Clutch squeal?


New member
Dec 31, 2012
cold, warm doesn't seem to matter I get a breif squeal when I put the power on..was wondering if it could be lubed? don't laugh, s/m is all new to me this season.


'97 700 SX (all stock)
thx, guess I'll take a look at the here and in the wrong section too.. s/b (SX)
Doubt you will find an answer to the lube question. No, Lube on belt/helix is bad. You can lube moving parts in the clutches, Lubing the belt might stop the squeal but then your sled wouldnt move very well.
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to me it does sound more like a metal screech..I have a total of 105 mi. experience so I'll monitor..I really don't know what to dismiss or not on this old machine (4,000 mi.)

The other thing is I want to go on the old R/R grade 50+ but the machine 'darts' so bad I'm horrified to dart off into the trees..I did order new 6" triple carbides, shims and ski savers from Bergstrom..the track is OEM and lugs maybe .67"..not looking for a rocket just want secure powerful fun.
4k on that sled is just getting broke in! With proper maintance they go 12-15k! If it is a metal on metal screech I would look for metal on metal contact points, should be signs left behind, shavings etc. Darting can be caused and cured by many things. The bergstroms you mention come highly recomended by alot of guys. Your sx is very similar to the vmax/sxr and a cousin so to speak to the mountain max. Your suspension/clutching will be similar to all the pro action yamaha's 97-2002ish. Go threw the recent threads (especially in sx/vmax) will give you tips/tricks what to watch for. On the home page theres a tech section that will have alot of "how tos" and factory specs for your sled. Welcome to the sight...Happy sledding!
I bought a couple Yamaha sleds in Nov. the other is a '02 600 VMAX ER 1975 mi. and just comparing the two the '02 doesn't just wondering

I'm a old ATV guy took the '02 on my ATV trail and rolled it in the first 5 ft...had a $45 MI. trail pass 6 hrs. new glued on the windshield and broke the windshield..WTF now? LOL!
dblshock said:
I bought a couple Yamaha sleds in Nov. the other is a '02 600 VMAX ER 1975 mi. and just comparing the two the '02 doesn't just wondering

I'm a old ATV guy took the '02 on my ATV trail and rolled it in the first 5 ft...had a $45 MI. trail pass 6 hrs. new glued on the windshield and broke the windshield..WTF now? LOL!

Gotta love the trail permits! Until you get better at not rolling it over maybe some zip tie surgery on the windsheild? I have 4 srx's and a SxR. Windsheilds are interchangeable. Pretty much dual/single bulb is the differance. I buy 2 permits and swap windys around based on what sleds we are taking out.
I'm right on the border (54121) vac home so think I'll take a phone pic of the broken windshield the Dremmel cut the sticker out and dbltape it to the new least I'll have a story with pics when the DNR speaks to me.
and there's little rubber particals all over the belt area unlike the 600..just compairing.
belt is to tight then,belt is being chewed from the primary then.Either adjust the belt height with the 3 bolts behind the secondary and/or check your center to center alignment of the clutch's.My belt is new from last February and is still like new with all the hard runs I do with my SRX.
dblshock said:
and there's little rubber particals all over the belt area unlike the 600..just compairing.

Might just be dirty. Quick and easy with an air compressor to blow the dust off. The more elbow grease methods will get them cleaner, soap/water green scoth brite pads as well as some guys finish up with 320 grit sand paper. Other guys take them off and put them in the dish washer.
k, was hoping it would just wear in but looks like I cant ignore..this is all new for me..I'm a Honda ATV guy..just replace fluids and drive.
When picking up sled 2nd,3rd++++ hand equals you have to figure out what the previous owners did and didnt do, just like with the ATV's your used to. Read,read and read some'll be a pro.....sooner or later!
Usually ignoring ends up = more expensive. Once you have figured out why then make the choice to ignore or fix. I know of plenty of stuff on my sleds I could/should fix. All stuff I know to be trivial that wont end up breaking my wallet (or my body) if I let it go for now.
