Sorry for posting non Yamaha question here. I own 5 Yamaha's and a 03 Polaris classic 600 2 -up. I only use TY and V4 and do not belong to any Pol forums. I pulled and cleaned cards but can't get it to run. I'm 99% sure I did everything correctly. I have re-pulled carbs out and put back in but still no luck. Carb bowls had gas. All gas drained and 6 new gallons put in. The sled will start on full choke and die in 5 or so seconds. I have used compressed air to make sure gas got thru lines into carbs. Any suggestions.
ok, will help as long as you promise to never ask again about a polaris...................just kidding
1.)are you sure the pilot jets are clean, you can see light thru them?
2.)when you stick the end of the plastic straw from the carb cleaner can into the part of carb where pilot jet screws in, when you spray it, does it come out of the little orfice in the front of the carb(idle orfice)??
1.)are you sure the pilot jets are clean, you can see light thru them?
2.)when you stick the end of the plastic straw from the carb cleaner can into the part of carb where pilot jet screws in, when you spray it, does it come out of the little orfice in the front of the carb(idle orfice)??
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Thanks--Yes 100% sure. Checked it a second time when I pulled carbs the second time.
does it continue to run on the choke or half choke or will it still die?
plugs wet or??
plugs wet or??
It will ONLY start on full choke and the die in 5 or so seconds. It will not start on half or no choke. It seams to only start when I prime it with air hose. I hold air line lightly on vent to push gas to carb. Sled ran fine before I decided to clean carbs.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
This symptom applied to yammi would suggest maybe pulse line knocked of or put back on wrong? Not even sure if polaris has pulse line? or how pump is driven. The 92 I had I didnt do much of any work on, it did have a fuel on/off valve, couldnt be as simple as valve is turned off could it? Just throwing ideas out there.....
could be fuelpump related or its flooded, if the bowls are full after you try and start it then the needle and seats are working and not stuck, did you clean them? some have the filters above the seats.
are the plugs soak and wet? if so... its very possible you have gas puddled in the case, now youll have to double check me, but I remember working on polaris sleds before and they had drain bolts at the front of the lower case, to let out excessive fuel puddled up. They can drive you nuts trying to start them with puddled case, will only run for a few secs and die like you say.
are the plugs soak and wet? if so... its very possible you have gas puddled in the case, now youll have to double check me, but I remember working on polaris sleds before and they had drain bolts at the front of the lower case, to let out excessive fuel puddled up. They can drive you nuts trying to start them with puddled case, will only run for a few secs and die like you say.
just to take the pump out of the equation, unhook the lines from carbs, place a few rags down and pull over the engine, see if its pumping. I am leaning more towards flooded case but lets check.
Ok thanks. I will try soon and see.
Thank you mrviper700! I found the problem. When I isolated the fuel pump I realized it was not supply fuel. So looked at it a litttle closed and the fuel line in the gas tank is broken. Talked to a good friend that is a great snowmobile mechanic and also did a few ebay search's and this appears to be a Poo problem! This is why I will only buy Yamaha in future!