PPS. inc
New member
hey fellas,
Went riding over the weekend. Viper ran great. When we returned to cabin the rear of my seld was sitting very low and when i got off it went up alot. Then I lifted rear of sled and the rear suspention had a ton of slack in it before it lifted off ground. then when I stepped on sled it sank to about same level as my buddies SRX (low low). I have the rear on stiffest setting but it was very soft. Ending up skiing the rest of weekend. Now the sled is home and thawed. suspension almost feels fine. I can jump on and bounce and almost get her all the way down. Blown shocks??? trails were distroyed and i didnt go easy. I am going to remove tom and inspect the skid. But I think they are blown. Also my stock track ripped a few outter lugs, really small chunks. again terrible trails, lost of dirt. lots of crossing down trees. I noticed a crack in the track going vertical with the track. Big deal???? I will replace this track over the summer but is it good for the rest of the year? Crack goes up and down track not across.
Thanks guys and happy new year.... I love this site.
Went riding over the weekend. Viper ran great. When we returned to cabin the rear of my seld was sitting very low and when i got off it went up alot. Then I lifted rear of sled and the rear suspention had a ton of slack in it before it lifted off ground. then when I stepped on sled it sank to about same level as my buddies SRX (low low). I have the rear on stiffest setting but it was very soft. Ending up skiing the rest of weekend. Now the sled is home and thawed. suspension almost feels fine. I can jump on and bounce and almost get her all the way down. Blown shocks??? trails were distroyed and i didnt go easy. I am going to remove tom and inspect the skid. But I think they are blown. Also my stock track ripped a few outter lugs, really small chunks. again terrible trails, lost of dirt. lots of crossing down trees. I noticed a crack in the track going vertical with the track. Big deal???? I will replace this track over the summer but is it good for the rest of the year? Crack goes up and down track not across.
Thanks guys and happy new year.... I love this site.
The shocks may be weak if they have not been rebuilt in awhile. The shocks do not dictate ride height tho. The springs set ride ride. Check the W-arm for cracks. What are the limiters set at,the preload of the front spring set at and what is the gap on the transfer rods when sitting on the sled?
PPS. inc
New member
Stock settings on preload and limiter straps. Transfer rods are stock. The only thing I changed was the ride setting at the rear of the long shock. Was set to soft so i changed it to the hard setting. So like I said I will check everything in the skid but u guys think shocks are blown out. What would cause it to go so soft. I will get the skid out Tom. Broken springs? I need help. It was fine when we left and now it's just super soft. Need a cause. Thanks all
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PPS. inc
New member
A lil insight please
Active member
Usually when the rear shocks go flat it will still scissors back up from the coil over springs. As Stein said....check the W-arm. Mine broke a couple years ago so bad it was not repairable........the back end did sit low too. I ended up finding a used one on here and had the gussets welded on for extra strength.
PPS. inc
New member
Thanks j man. I checked everything and all is well. It does come back up.and i figures it was the coil over. Skid is removed.and having shock rebuilt.today.... Anyother insight????
If the shock was blown so bad as to affect the ride height, the sled should have been bouncing around like a pogo stick on the trail. How was the ride?
Was the tunnel and suspension loaded with snow and Ice? Did you check it after you thawed it out.
Another thing Ive found with my Cat skid, is if the front of the skid is sitting on a bump or something similar, it will drop like crazy. Not sure if I have ever had this happen with my pro-action though.
Was the tunnel and suspension loaded with snow and Ice? Did you check it after you thawed it out.
Another thing Ive found with my Cat skid, is if the front of the skid is sitting on a bump or something similar, it will drop like crazy. Not sure if I have ever had this happen with my pro-action though.