Wow I know total noob ? Lol

We use a syphon call the "Jiggler". This is a syphon hose with a ball/spring valve on one end of the hose. Simply, insert the hose with the valve into the fuel tank and jiggle the hose up and down. This will create a flow to develop into a syphon. Of course you have to have opposite end of the hose lower than the fuel level. Works great!
You can try the tried and true stick a hose in the tank and suck on it, DONT swallow any gas! OR most hardware stores carry a syphon pump deally, most are marketed towards kerosene transfer. Basically a tube for the tank, a ball or accordian style pump and a discharge hose.
I disconnect from my fuel shout off and add a hose to reach a gas can. This way u no u got as much old gas out as possible.
Pick up the back of the sled at least a foot then put 4'x4' block under right ski then use a flsh light and postion your syphon hose in the left front corner of the tank and begin syphon and let it go until it quits dont bump the hose while its going.
I use a 5' piece of old garden hose then instead of sucking on it I shoot some air in the tank using a rag to seal around the hose and blow gun to get the syphon going then stand back and let it go.
P.S No gas in your cake hole with this method and it drains the tank almost completely.
Im gonna do a combination of the ideas lol, im going to lift the rear of the sled and one ski along with the kerosene pump. If i dont like how empty it is i will just drop the sled and hook up an old carb fuel pump to the line out of the tank and pump it dry
Ayates22 said:
Im gonna do a combination of the ideas lol, im going to lift the rear of the sled and one ski along with the kerosene pump. If i dont like how empty it is i will just drop the sled and hook up an old carb fuel pump to the line out of the tank and pump it dry

The line in the tank has fuel filter on the end of it and it wont drain the tank completely I ran my old vmax 4 out of gas one time and there still was at least an inch left in there.
I use a "Super Siphon" that I bought from Maxx Performance about 10 years ago. Sounds pretty similar to the "jiggler". I think I paid around $15 and I have used it a lot!
