Best Carb Cleaner for a 2002 Viper??


New member
Dec 27, 2012
Going to tear apart and clean my carbs out in the next few days and I was wondering what you guys think is the best carb cleaner to use for a 2002 viper? Or any brands I should steer clear of?

Also it will my first time doing this myself, needless to say I'm nervous. Any other advice to help me through this task is much appreciated.

Thanks a bunch and everyone pray for some snow!!!!
Just use any brand cleaner and use a compressor to blow through carb passages. Just study in the tech section under carb cleaning and take ur time. Mr vipers write up is very descriptive with great pics too. There r a bunch of us on here that we're once intimidated by cleaning carbs but once u do it a few times u won't think anything of it. With the ethanol gas we now have there r no exceptions, u have to clean carbs before every season.
Hardware store Acetone or Ford dealers Motorcraft Carb tune up...let it soak..pull it over couple times adding more over two-three days..probably won't even need to pull the carbs.
any carb cleaner from automotive store would be fine, jus make sure you pull the rack and take them apart and clean them, use the search button, many post's on carb cleaning, if you jus dump some miracle cleaner down the fuel tank and call it good, your jus asking for for a burn-down
Add a couple things to the above. Use a digital camera/cell phone. Take pics before and as you tear carbs off and while tearing them apart. Will save you later if you have a where/how did this go? And that some carb cleaner will EAT paint right off surrounding objects. Go ahead and spray liberally on carb parts but be mindful what else it could be oversprayed/spilled onto (I have a reminderon the top of my chest freezer) Read,read,read some more. Theres a bunch of other threads resolving all the common issues.
dblshock said:
Hardware store Acetone or Ford dealers Motorcraft Carb tune up...let it soak..pull it over couple times adding more over two-three days..probably won't even need to pull the carbs.

Extract this when adding my post to the above.
If you can get that Motorcraft into the carb and leave it soak it will disolve the ethanol crystals..I've done it this year to both my Magna's, worked perfect.
The only one I've tried that I didnt like was our local automotive chains brand (VIP). I dont know who makes it for them but it leaves an oily residue that I dont care for.

There is no sense being lazy and trying to just spray carb cleaner in the carbs.It is very easy to pull the carbs on a 02 takes all of 15 minutes to remove them. Remove the float bowl and jets nothing to it.When installing just make sure the air box boots are correctly installed. Take the air box apart and feel in there to make sure they are seated correctly.
