Srx rebuild and suspension swop

88 yamaha 570

New member
Jan 3, 2010
Bridgeport, NY
So last year I picked up a 98 srx 700 blown up and a 98 arctic cat zr600 for 400 dollars. I planned to rebuild the engine and swap over the arctic cat fox racing suspension in the srx. As of last summer I had the suspension swap done and was waiting on a cylinder and other stuff for the rebuild. I finaly got the cylinder finished the motor and installed it last night. So I got it running today and I don't know if I like the suspension or am in love with it. Trails are really hard packed and when full throttle it feel like the sleds going to flip sideways because of all the ground clearance. But it climbs hills like nothing and lifts the skies like crazy
Haha, yeah the cat skids do have a lot of weight transfer/ski lift compared to the pro-action skid. But there are things you can do to limit it, like adding transfer blocks. You will find that you have to have way more throttle/brake input when cornering, but give it some time to get used to, you will come to apreciate the suspension on the trail chatter and large G-out bumps where it shines compared to the pro-action. Did you long travel the front suspension too?
On so I've got an issue. I ran the sled for a while last night trying to break it in and it started spitting flames and backfiring then died, I brought it home and did a compression test just in case. Almost 120 a cross the board clutch side being a bit higher. Had good spark so I cleaned the carbs, two plugged jets and main jets almost plugged. I cleaned them and it ran better but started backfiring after a while but still drove home just didn't seem to have full top end power. Exhaust gaskets are leaking and I premixed gas and running oil injection to test if it works. I premixed 5 gallons worth of 50/1 oil with 4 gallons of fuel just in case for the break in. Any opinions if it might be fouled plugs wich are blacker than I like or if exhaust leak would cause it. I don't wanna take the chance of running just oil injection and having it not work. Not sure how to bleed it but running like this bleeds itself right? I'll adjust oil pump and throttle end play tomorrow just in case also
An exhaust leak on the yamaha triples will make them run like absolute garbage, my buddy has a 99' sx 700 and he had a small leak where the pipe connects to the can, and the thing barely wanted to move. We threw a new gasket in and put all new springs on and it runs like brand new.
So I made sure my oil injection was working, did throttle end play and oil pump adjustment and filled it with 4 gallons of fresh gas and put new exhaust gaskets on and new plugs, seems to run much better and not fouling plugs anymore
so i ended up getting the exhaust gaskets replaced, filled with fresh gas and decided to just run oil injection for break in instead of mixing as well, thing runs great, crossed the lake sunday and this thing seems to top out at 115, and for some reason it wont really hang the skis like i expected and seems to be really bumpy through the trails, i did however notice when i lift the track just an inch off the ground the front of it sits higher than the rear, will this cause me to not have the ride i was expecting? im going to remount the front a bit lower to level it out and installing hopefully 96 studs to see if that helps with acceleration
