I have a 98 srx 600 and i cleaned the carbs and powervalves last week put new gas in it and new plugs and plug caps but i cant get it to run on all 3 cylnders under like 4500-5000 rpm. Anyone have any ideas?
Did you reset the fuel/air mixture screws on the bottom?
Yeah there all at like 1-3/4 turns out
Was it running good before? If so I'd double check your carbs. Sounds like a similar problem I had a few years back. Cleaned carbs 3 times to find white gunk/material in pilots each time. Put an inline fuel filter in thinking my stock in-tank filter disintegrated. Never had another problem like that again.
It was running good before so il check the carbs and report back. Thanks for the help
I cleaned the carbs and it ran great after that for about a minute then the same piston that wasnt firing started back firing as soon as i touched the throttle and didnt run after that. Where the pipe goes on the header its all wet and black there. Could this mean its just the spark plug got a little wet and wasnt sparking?
How about float heights? When you cleaned the carbs, did you pull the inlet screens and clean them?