Question about secondary springs

Vt Srx

New member
Dec 23, 2012
NEK Vermont
I am doing some major gearing and clutching changes on my sled and have a question about my secondary clutch. I am switching from the straight 47 to a 51/43 and have a red, green and silver spring to choose from. Is it better to wrap a high tension spring at a low degree or a lighter spring at a higher degree and why? So basically am I better off with the silver at 60 or the green at 70 or 80? I have Olav Aaen's clutch tuning handbook and have been reading it the last couple nights. I must admit I think I am more confused than I was when I started! This is a trail sled and I am looking for quick backshift. Thanks!

Twisting the secondary gives minor changes for tweaking, stiffer springs have a more significant change in shifting characteristics. I would try the green spring @ 60-70 wrap and adjust from there. I don't know what your total setup is so it's hard to recomend anything. Remember that the secondary dictates belt tension needed to shift out clutches. Primary creates that tension through flyweights. ultimately you want the least amount of belt tension the keep the belt from slipping.
I am also interested in how that setup will work. I have a silver spring
And a 51/43 helix aswell and would like to know what wrap you guys
Think would work best
If you want good backshift, stay with the green spring, don't use the red. Red is a good spring but is often used in circumstances where you want to trade-off backshift for increased acceleration.
8bu-10, 51/43, silver@50-60wrap, www primary, 4.5 tip, 3.1 center, really good top speed

Try DAT! :die:
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Give us more details on your sled setup. I'm currently running a 144 track with a 21 tooth top gear, 51/45 helix, & green spring wrapped @ 60. Works very well for my setup, but like stated above, it comes down to what you have.
I am running heavy hitters with 14.5 rollers and a purple primary spring. These clutch parts were on the sled when I bought it, I don't know who makes the purple spring but it's got some serious tension! I will try the green at 70 and start from there. Thanks guys!
