Still having problems with 02 piped viper


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Last week I started a thread regarding an issue I was having with a dead battery. My first ride of the year the sled would only rev to 7500 rpm. I replaced the battery, new plugs, cleaned my carbs again, checked the power valves and the reeds. Everything checked out fine. Then I noticed the pto side pipe was oozing a significant amount of what appears to be unburnt oil and fuel. My first thought was that cylinder had no spark. I checked for spark and it all checked out fine.

If anyone has any thoughts on where to look next it would be greatly appreciated. I have almost maxed out my patience and mechanical knowledge/ability.
Have you done a compression check on all cylinders yet? No pull through's on the powervalves and they are adjusted?
I haven't checked compression. One of the many tools I don't own. I did check the power valves though.
oozzing from where? power valve or pipe conection? Sounds like it might be flooding that PTO cyl. A bad plug will do that, or stuck choke plunger also. make sure your carb vent line to the PTO carb is connected, as this will also cause a very rich condition.

What pipes are those?
I went through everything on the sled again today. I am really hoping this is the last time I need to take the pipes on and off. They really fought me this time. There was hight temp silicone and obsenities everywhere.

I was able to confirm that my power valves are clean and adjusted properly, oil pump is set right and carbs are clean. The sled has fresh plugs in it and spark at each one.

I went for another quick ride and still will not rev past 7250 rpm.

The oozing is from the pto pipe manifold and stinger connection. The pipes are benders.

I took a look at my clutch and the belt is only shifting out 3/4 of the way on the primary. There is a descent wear mark/groove now at the point it shifts out to. I checked my secondary and it seems to be ok. I took it all apart and nothing was seized or binding.

I am at a total loss as to where to go next. Any and all suggestions are appreciated as always.

rz500 said:
I went through everything on the sled again today. I am really hoping this is the last time I need to take the pipes on and off. They really fought me this time. There was hight temp silicone and obsenities everywhere.

I was able to confirm that my power valves are clean and adjusted properly, oil pump is set right and carbs are clean. The sled has fresh plugs in it and spark at each one.

I went for another quick ride and still will not rev past 7250 rpm.

The oozing is from the pto pipe manifold and stinger connection. The pipes are benders.

I took a look at my clutch and the belt is only shifting out 3/4 of the way on the primary. There is a descent wear mark/groove now at the point it shifts out to. I checked my secondary and it seems to be ok. I took it all apart and nothing was seized or binding.

I am at a total loss as to where to go next. Any and all suggestions are appreciated as always.


Have you removed the primary clutch and went through that. If the belt is not moving all the way up on the primary could be that something is bad in the clutch not allowing it to get the belt to the top of the clutch. Not sure what impact that would have on your RPM's but would be the place I would start tearing things apart.
I haven't had the primary off the sled but I did try running it without the belt and it seems to shut all the way. Sounds like that may be the next thing to dig deeper into.

I really appreciate the replies guys! The plugs look fine but I have not put much time on them. Just a short ride to determine the problem was still there. Plug boots makes sense because I did put the machine away last year running fine. It managed to develop this issue over the summer on its own. I think I will try that next. Any recommendations on what to replace them with? Ngk? Yamaha only sells the coil complete don't they?
I run the NGK on my srx's. The one thing I can tell you is do your home work, search the net what ever to figure out which ones you need. Most atv part store will sell you what ever they have and tell you its right. The 5th place I went to had the correct ones and they are more of a chainsaw/tractor shop!
Dealer should have plug caps, they simply screw off the end of the wire and screw new ones on. Good idea to trim a small amount off the wire before putting the new ones on.
I just replaced the spark plug boots/caps and went for another quick ride. The machine seemed a little snappier but again only revved out to 7250 rpm. I took the belt off and the primary is still only shifting 3/4 of the way out. There is a definite ridge/groove worn in the moveable sheave.

I tried running the sled with out a belt. It had no problem reving to 9000+ rpm and sounded much crisper than before. The plug boots made an improvement for sure.

Now I need to figure out the clutching issue. I'm not sure if its the belt not being able to shift beyond the worn spot or if something in the clutch is the issue and that created the worn spot. The old "what came first the chicken or the egg?" Either way it looks like I need to replace the sheave.
Well I found the problem today. Something is binding in the primary. I'm not sure if its the centre bushing or the towers but my plan is to rebuild it all. Ill post an update once I'm complete but this seems to be the issue. Thanks again to everyone for the help and suggestions.
