If you're cleaning carbs........


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Seacoast NH
Make sure you do a thorough job. Do it once and take your time. Dirty carbs burn motors down! Use carb cleaner and compressed air. If you spray cleaner into any orifice it needs to come out somewhere else. You need to check the inlet screens (top hat filters) also. Seems like some guys aren't even aware of them or where they are. They are under the inlet needles and you need to remove the floats and pins to access them. Do yourself a favor and don't try tapping out the float pin with a hammer and nail. The pins are really tight and you could snap one of the float towers off. Here is a link to some good reading. Also, use the tech. section on the main page for step by step directions.
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Sorry, no matches. Cant follow your link.
I didnt get to those filters either. The rest of the carbs were spotless so I wasnt too concerned, but getting the float pins out seemed like I might break shyte.
95rxl650 said:
Sorry, no matches. Cant follow your link.
I didnt get to those filters either. The rest of the carbs were spotless so I wasnt too concerned, but getting the float pins out seemed like I might break shyte.

Spring loaded pin punch is the tool you want for that job.
The most overlooked thing I see when people clean their own carbs is AIR PASSAGES and JETS.

Seems as though many don't even know they exsist. All carbs have them no matter what type.

Fuel is pushed into the engine via atmospheric air pressure (not drawn or pulled). Air moving through these passages creates the air pressure differences that allows the fuel to be pushed in. If air passages air plugged or constricted the proper pressure differences doesn't occure and fuel doesn't move as it should.

Clean jets a fuel passages are only half the battle in making a carb work properly. Don't overlook air jets and passages or you are still in danger.

Ok so i'm not too familiar with playing with carbs and such but would someone be able to take a pic of the fuel screw that needs to be adjusted on the carbs pls..

Don't laugh! lol
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opsled said:
The most overlooked thing I see when people clean their own carbs is AIR PASSAGES and JETS.

Seems as though many don't even know they exsist. All carbs have them no matter what type.

Fuel is pushed into the engine via atmospheric air pressure (not drawn or pulled). Air moving through these passages creates the air pressure differences that allows the fuel to be pushed in. If air passages air plugged or constricted the proper pressure differences doesn't occure and fuel doesn't move as it should.

Clean jets a fuel passages are only half the battle in making a carb work properly. Don't overlook air jets and passages or you are still in danger.

Exactly!! If it looks like an air passage or fuel passage, Hell!!...if it's a hole, I spray cleaner and air through it. Make sure the cleaner comes out somewhere.....
lsbufis said:
Ok so i'm not too familiar with playing with carbs and such but would someone be able to take a pic of the fuel screw that needs to be adjusted on the carbs pls..

Don't laugh! lol
First off, nobody gonna laugh at someone who asks a question. We all had to start somewhere. Second, here you go:
Remember, if you want to know something, ask or use the search feature up above
FJViper said:
Exactly!! If it looks like an air passage or fuel passage, Hell!!...if it's a hole, I spray cleaner and air through it. Make sure the cleaner comes out somewhere.....

That motto got me in trouble once "hell!!...if it's a hole" LOL!! Sorry bad joke!
