Stolen Snowmobile


New member
Jan 18, 2012
southeast WI
So i was gona pick up my old snowmobile I was storing at a buddys house, but when I talked to him he seemed to think that i had already picked it up.
So now its missing, It was stored in his barn in the back of his property.
We both were at the sheriff's department yesterday filing reports.
This was a close friend storing it for me, he doesnt store sleds for everyone, just doing it as a favor.
So needless to say Im out of my old 87 indy 600, sled was mint, ran great and had a lot of sentimental value to me.
My question is do you think this is something homeowners insurace should be involved in? Or do i just take a loss. I have the card to the sled, even the original bill of sale.
Just wanted some of your input.



sorry to hear this dont know owlong its been missing ? might be worth a call but homeowners insurance will most likely want the sled to be covered by a seperate policy ..time to start searching craigs list to see if someone has tried to sell it or part it out
I'd say call your insurance company or agent and ask 'em. Your friend can do this too since it was at his location. Also if you have a copy of the policy, you may be able find more info, maybe it falls under "contents" of the barn.
Did you have the sled insured on your homeowners policy? In any case, if it is covered, there may be a deductable.
Sorry, this sucks! I'm a State Farm Insurance Agent. Homeowners excludes any motor vehicle. You would need a separate policy to cover the sled. Will not hurt anything to call and check with your Agent. Good luck!
