Viper belt question and rpm ?


New member
Dec 14, 2012

Was about to ride lastnight then I decided to check if everything was good under hood and noticed that all of the top part of the belt had been broken into flakes of belt .. i cleaned atleast 20+ strip pieces of the upperbelt in the cab.. (what a mess, fiber like materials everywhere !!!!! :o| )

Anyways this was an ultimax 3s belt and I've put another exact belt on it (going with 8DN next time) Just took it for a quick rip and it only seemed to reach 8000rpm and felt like it took forever to get to 115-120km/h , before the belt took a dump she would rev to about 8950rpm and pulled better.
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We buy new belts every year. 8DN's. Usually see around 1500 to 2000 miles per belt. This year I bought 5. I do measure the wear, it seems my wifes 600 dlx wears the belt more than any others. I conclude this to soft clutch engagements. Al
I don't really know much to clutching etc :(

All i did was shoot a bunch of compressed air on the new belt and on the clutches..
I remove my clutches from the sled. Remove helix on the secodary ( record what holes the spring is seated in) and remove the cap on the primary. Take them to the local car wash, spray down with degreaser and pressure wash them cleam. Dry them out with compressed air. Check the weights and rollers on the primary. Make sure the weights swing freely and the rollers roll smoothly.On the secodary check the ramp guides or buttons for the helix. Make sure its not rubbing metal to metal. Scuff down all clutch belt surfaces with a white scuuf pad and then clean with brake kleen or acetone or something else that will not leave a residue behind. Take a new belt and wash it down with mild detergent/water solution then allow to dry completely. Assemble everything and do a short test with the sled on a stand. Shut down sled and allow track to stop on its own. No Brake. Check belt height in the secondary. Good is no higher than 1/8 above and no lower than level.

Lots of other maintience tips can be found here as well
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Well i hauled to the dealer this morning since she's still on warranty for another week.

But they said that the clutch prob needs to be cleaned/aligned.

Atleast now i have a better understanding on how to perform the adjustments :)

