

New member
Feb 5, 2011
A buddy gave me a bender helix I believe it a 53/49. The number stamped on it is 9970-c. Now quick question, I have a 98 700 srx stock with 144 pics now what can I expect from this and or do I have enough power to even use it? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
BTW... When I say stock its all stock,gearing,primary clutching, everything. I was just going to throw it on and see what happens but if I lack the power to use it then on the shelf it will sit . I'm not looking to pour a pile of money into clutch kits or anything I just was curious if I put this in what would happen ,now i do lots of Lake running and ride pretty aggressive in the trails. I do maintain the sled well.
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blueblood68 said:
A buddy gave me a bender helix I believe it a 53/49. The number stamped on it is 9970-c. Now quick question, I have a 98 700 srx stock with 144 pics now what can I expect from this and or do I have enough power to even use it? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
BTW... When I say stock its all stock,gearing,primary clutching, everything. I was just going to throw it on and see what happens but if I lack the power to use it then on the shelf it will sit . I'm not looking to pour a pile of money into clutch kits or anything I just was curious if I put this in what would happen ,now i do lots of Lake running and ride pretty aggressive in the trails. I do maintain the sled well.
53/49 is more agrressive than a straight 47, put it on and see what happens, worst that happens is rpms will be too low and in that case just take some weight out of the primary or a little stiffer spring
