Hi I am new...01 SRX


Jan 6, 2013
Tamworth, NH
Just wanted to say hello. From MA sled in NH.

I bought a new SRX in 2000. Lost my business - sled gets repossessed - got my shit together couple years later bought a used 01 in 2003. Used that a couple years (was loud had some aftermarket pipes eh) then sold it for what I paid for it.

Just bought another 01 last Oct before the year of no snow. 3500 miles on it - great shape, great price.

I just love these freakin sleds. Thought there was something wrong with me as I saw people buying all these new style upright sleds - I just dont get it. I hate them, rode my buddies brand new sled last weekend, nope not for me.

I love the SRX and do not think I will ever run another sled - I thought of buying a couple more (hell at 2k ea?) just to have spares! Sick right?

I mean the power and the way you can throw that thing around on the trails? I am 230 lbs and I lift my front right toe shift my body a bit and you can single ski rip around a right hand corner. I mean low and mean is just the only way to go.

Anyways - was happy to see there are other nut jobs out there that love this sled as much as I do.

Welcome to the "nut job club" and site! I rode a buddys and decided I had to have an SRX of my own......I have 4 now.....With the local craigslist flooded with them if I had the money I would have ten more!
Devilin AblueDress! said:
Welcome to the "nut job club" and site! I rode a buddys and decided I had to have an SRX of my own......I have 4 now.....With the local craigslist flooded with them if I had the money I would have ten more!

I know right, CL is nuts with them. I usually buy in Summer time too. But just last weekend I saw one in NH for sale for $1400, I may check it out when I go back up this weekend......

4 huh? I may have to look into another or 3 hehe
Bought my first from another member on here before I even joined. Paid a lil more than I wanted to but sled was (and still is) CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. Already had the mods I would have put into it and I HAD THE ITCH...WAY BAD! The other 3 were smoking deals that I just couldnt pass them up. Just the sound of that tripple srx puts a chit eating grin on my face. In the off season I hit you tube about once a month!
I've had a 71 Olympique, 74 Motoski, 79 Olympique, 81 SRX, 85 Blizzard 5500, 86 SRV 540 and a 2000 SRX. The amount of problems I have had with my 2000 SRX is ten times what I have gone thru with all my other sleds combined. Nightmare when there is a problem, fun when there is not. Same with a 9000 HP Top Fuel Drag Racer. Still trying to figure out the fixing:fun ratio. :EXER:
Devilin AblueDress! said:
Bought my first from another member on here before I even joined. Paid a lil more than I wanted to but sled was (and still is) CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. Already had the mods I would have put into it and I HAD THE ITCH...WAY BAD! The other 3 were smoking deals that I just couldnt pass them up. Just the sound of that tripple srx puts a chit eating grin on my face. In the off season I hit you tube about once a month!

yup I was on youtube in 2012 too - since we had no snow last year AFTER I bought in OCT....

Mine is 100% stock - not sure what I would do....but I am sure I will think of something- probably for next season.

You got me looking on CL....I shoot for less than 4k miles for less than $2K usually. My buddy just bought his new one for like freakin $12K - no thanks. The SRX blows his away and he can barely keep up with me on the trails.

I usually like to buy with mods - I am not too mechanically inclined lol but I will have the work done whatever it be.....
SRX_700 said:
I've had a 71 Olympique, 74 Motoski, 79 Olympique, 81 SRX, 85 Blizzard 5500, 86 SRV 540 and a 2000 SRX. The amount of problems I have had with my 2000 SRX is ten times what I have gone thru with all my other sleds combined. Nightmare when there is a problem, fun when there is not. Same with a 9000 HP Top Fuel Drag Racer. Still trying to figure out the fixing:fun ratio. :EXER:

I guess I don't put a ton of miles on per year and I just keep all maintenance done each year. Of the 3 SRX I had I never had a single issue - like I said I dont put tons of miles on them tho - more like a motocross run than long mile tours. (now that I think about it - I did replace a clutch)

Then again they are so cheap I guess I would not be too upset with some expenses for work...
TopGunnSrx said:
Put a good suspension on it and see how much more fun it gets....

X2! I dont get into modding motors. More about long travel,running boards,skid plates, hand gaurds. Got an 01 I am planning a 136/144 extension with reverse this summer. The wrenching is half the fun!
TopGunnSrx said:
Put a good suspension on it and see how much more fun it gets....

yea actually that is something I have always wanted to do.....

M10? Olin? I guess I need to look on this board for details....but yea good advice! I was just looking at on 01 w M-10 already on her.....hmmmm

but yea good advice! thanks
Devilin AblueDress! said:
X2! I dont get into modding motors. More about long travel,running boards,skid plates, hand gaurds. Got an 01 I am planning a 136/144 extension with reverse this summer. The wrenching is half the fun!

can you recommend a place that has all this stuff for sale? seems like all these add on parts and all are tough to find?
You can find most all of it used on here as well as theres advertisers selling it new. My local sled shop carrys alot and can order what they dont normally have in stock. The local sled salvager calls me everytime they get a new donor in. That and its all over the internet, I have yet to get anything for a sled of e bay.
Bought my 98 last year for 1500$ It's in the shop gettin rejetted for the mountain, can't wait to get her out. But mine came with about 8 inch risers and a phazer seat on it, gives it a great riding position.
