Fuel overflow issue?

Dec 17, 2006
Almonte Ontario Canada
Just wondering if anyone else has ever had any issues with the fuel overflow hose at the top of the tank right under the handlebar/thumbwarmer swithces? Whats happened to mine on 2 occasions is the the aluminum elbow that sits in the almuminum housing has actually popped out, both times its been after a fill up. Have approx. 13500 km on the sled and have only had issues with this twice, once last night, once last year on a ride. Both times I just pushed the elbow back in by hand and it seemed to have done the trick for the rest of the ride.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them? What have you done to fix it? I was thinking of removing it and mixing up some jb weld or epoxy and sticking it back together.

Wonder why after that many km. it has started doing this?

Anyways thanks in advance for any replies!
don't you like the smell of gas while riding..smells great.When this happened on my SXR..gas odor was strong.I think I ended up using Red Threadlock.No more problem.
