srx loading up


New member
Sep 9, 2011
hi guys ive been about 200miles this year and use almost a gal of oil and my sled is loading up bad easy riding then hit it and goes and sputters and smokes let off and do this acouple time s then starts coming into it any ideas thanks im gunna clean the power valves again but never had this problem
chascook said:
hi guys ive been about 200miles this year and use almost a gal of oil and my sled is loading up bad easy riding then hit it and goes and sputters and smokes let off and do this acouple time s then starts coming into it any ideas thanks im gunna clean the power valves again but never had this problem

Any possibility of explaining this better using proper English?
SRX_700 said:
Any possibility of explaining this better using proper English?

Or at least some ,?!. Agree with the way to much oil. 200 miles at the very most should be 20 gallons of gas. Which would be 20 to 1 ratio. Figure out why so much oil and I bet it will run like a champ again.
Yes, way too much oil as others have noted, but have you also cleaned them carbs yet this season?
Cleaned and adjusted power valves?
Mouse nest in the airbox and/or exhaust system?
Choke plungers stuck open at carbs? (check while cleaning)
How much fuel have you used in that 200 miles, be accurate if possible?
i had the same issue on my 03 viper tank of oil to less than a tank of gas check ur oil cable on my viper its a split cable it pulled out at that coupler and got stuck so that in turn is like shortning up the cable which caused it to dump alot more oil other thing if oil pump goes bad it will also dump extra oil check your cable first
x3 had the same problem,idk why but oem cables are short take it out of the ring on the neck of the handlebars(same place throttle cable runs through) and dont run it through the airbox cable holder.will give ya 3-4 inches to play with make sure its togheter at the knuckle and the cable is pushing the oil slinger cable back down.should cure your can get aftermarket ones for bars with rizers.hope this helps ~smoke
