I have a 98 SRX 700 i have had it for about a year now and it has never ran good for me, every time i drive it i will pop plugs in a matter of minutes there is no order of poping. what i have done so far is cleaned the carbs with a fine tooth come i have checked with the dealer to see if the mains/pilots are in spec i have set the fuel screws i have checked the pulse line to the fuel pump to see if extra fuel is being suck throuth the crank case i have replaced the reed valves there were a little woren out i have tryed out every plug on the seld starting from BR9ecs up to BR10Eca. So i think i found the problem the flywheel on the sled is a little rusty no big deal but the pick coil houesing is broke? i can only assume that is my probelm? so does any one know will diffrent years of SRX 700 Stators fit in my 98?
Thanks for your help
I have a 98 SRX 700 i have had it for about a year now and it has never ran good for me, every time i drive it i will pop plugs in a matter of minutes there is no order of poping. what i have done so far is cleaned the carbs with a fine tooth come i have checked with the dealer to see if the mains/pilots are in spec i have set the fuel screws i have checked the pulse line to the fuel pump to see if extra fuel is being suck throuth the crank case i have replaced the reed valves there were a little woren out i have tryed out every plug on the seld starting from BR9ecs up to BR10Eca. So i think i found the problem the flywheel on the sled is a little rusty no big deal but the pick coil houesing is broke? i can only assume that is my probelm? so does any one know will diffrent years of SRX 700 Stators fit in my 98?
Thanks for your help
You need a stator from a 98/99 SRX and I may be able to help you out there,I'm converting mine to 2000 electronics which required swapping the stator.As soon as I have mine fired up and make sure everything is working correctly I'll be selling my old stuff.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Popping? Fouling? Have you check your plug caps?
thanks for all your replays i have not checked the spark plug caps. my locall dealer really wont help me out with out spending money LOL i asked them for specs for pick up, stator,plug caps etc.. and all i get is well i will have to dig out the old manuals and get back to yah which they never do, does any one know where to find electrical specs? maybe that might help find the problem? thanks agian all
New member
I also have a complete stator with pick up coil if needed. Would you like me to ohm test my stator to get you the specs?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Stators/pick ups will have varying numbers depending how your checking. Caps should have 5ohm resistance. Pretty cheap to change and rule out, these can cause an W I D E spectrum of weird issues when they go bad.
thank you all for your help i will check the plug cap.if you could test your stator jet101ski that woudl be awsome thank you all
In case you need them here's the specs for the stator.
Pick up coil----- white/red - white/green 189~231 ohms @ 20*C (68*F)
Source coil----- brown - black/red 392~479 ohms @ 20* C
Source coil----- black/red - black 77~95 ohms @ 20* C
Lighting coil---- yellow-black 0.23~0.28 ohms @ 20* C
ignition coils:
primary coil----- 0.36~0.48 ohms
secondary coil---- 5.4~7.4 k ohms ( k = 1000 ohms)
Pick up coil----- white/red - white/green 189~231 ohms @ 20*C (68*F)
Source coil----- brown - black/red 392~479 ohms @ 20* C
Source coil----- black/red - black 77~95 ohms @ 20* C
Lighting coil---- yellow-black 0.23~0.28 ohms @ 20* C
ignition coils:
primary coil----- 0.36~0.48 ohms
secondary coil---- 5.4~7.4 k ohms ( k = 1000 ohms)
Thanks for the specs Fourbarrel, i put new plug caps on the sled and had it out yesterday so far so good, i shut it down for a half hour and it took first pull and fired right up. now i just need more snow so i can give it a good run to see if that worked
New member
i had same issues this year .changed all plug caps and everything has been great since.