Not Purring


New member
May 2, 2003
Started working on the ole girl (viper) last night. The carbs were filthy loaded with alot of grime and almost crystal looking pellets. The sled has been sitting for TWO and HALF years. I'm thinking draining the fuel lines and cleaning them might be a wise idea?
They have a filter in the tank on the end of the pickup tube and yes you should get all the junk gas out of it.
as thefindian said there is a filter in the tank. you may want to look into replacing it, also when you cleaned the carbs did you check the screens under the float needles
Sitting for that long if you can afford it replace everything in the fuel delivery system you can.The in tank filter and the hoses,they might look ok on the outside but it's hard to say what's caked up on the inner walls of them.It's also a good idea to add an exterior inline filter for a little added protection.

If you do replace the gas lines just keep in mind they are metric in size but some guys have used 1/4" with no issues as long as you use good quality line like tygon or some such.If you have a good dealer with a decent stock of parts you may be lucky enough that they woud have the same line in bulk that came on the sled.Get that if you can.
staggs65 said:
as thefindian said there is a filter in the tank. you may want to look into replacing it, also when you cleaned the carbs did you check the screens under the float needles
I only adjusted the fuel screw, cleaned the pilot jet, the main jet and the plastic housing piece. Where is this screen do I have to remove the float itself to gain access to the float needles?
fourbarrel said:
Sitting for that long if you can afford it replace everything in the fuel delivery system you can.The in tank filter and the hoses,they might look ok on the outside but it's hard to say what's caked up on the inner walls of them.It's also a good idea to add an exterior inline filter for a little added protection.

If you do replace the gas lines just keep in mind they are metric in size but some guys have used 1/4" with no issues as long as you use good quality line like tygon or some such.If you have a good dealer with a decent stock of parts you may be lucky enough that they woud have the same line in bulk that came on the sled.Get that if you can.

I'm thinking about going this route. Thanks very much for your input :rockon:
YamahaXtreme said:
I only adjusted the fuel screw, cleaned the pilot jet, the main jet and the plastic housing piece. Where is this screen do I have to remove the float itself to gain access to the float needles?

Pop the float needle pivot pin. Remove float (float needle will be hanging via a wire clip) Remove seat. Seat will have a "top hat" or others call it a "bonnet" Plasitic ring with screen over it. Some guys clean, others chuck em.
