? about studs


Sep 15, 2009
Jefferson, WI
So now that I got some more break in time on my 1" kimpex ultimate traxtion track I want to put 144 studs down the middle. the studs I was running in my stock track are I believe 1.175 extreme max. I will be getting new nuts when installing them but was wondering if I can run these in my new track? or what would you guys recommend?
anyone? were starting to have a warm up in our area ugh!! So figure its a good time to take studs out of my old track and was gonna put 144 of them down the middle of my pre drilled kimpex track. Like I said I think the studs are 1.175 in length and was wondering if these would be ok to put in my 1" track cause I have heard that some 1 inch tracks actually measure closer to 1.25" just looking for some suggestions or what other people have used?
What is your actual lug height? 1.175's should be fine unless they are significantly worn.

stealther27 said:
anyone? were starting to have a warm up in our area ugh!! So figure its a good time to take studs out of my old track and was gonna put 144 of them down the middle of my pre drilled kimpex track. Like I said I think the studs are 1.175 in length and was wondering if these would be ok to put in my 1" track cause I have heard that some 1 inch tracks actually measure closer to 1.25" just looking for some suggestions or what other people have used?

It's going to be difficult giving you a solid answer since studs seem to be measured differently by different mfgs. (i.e. what stud boy calls a 1.175", woodies calls 1.075").

Most will say don't run a longer stud than 1.175" on any pro-action without going to 8 tooth drivers and I would agree with that but I have read of a few exceptions.

I'm using a 1" Kimpex Aggressor with 1.175" gold diggers and still got slight contact at the rear HX (with a protector) so I run my track closer to the Yamaha spec than I used to. FWIW - I have plenty of penetration
I'm running a 1.25" Predator with 1.375's on stock drivers and have no clearance issues :)
We run 144 on the 121 tracks. Basically 2 per row in the center, then 2 everyother in the outers. Down the center a V formation for 4 rows. On the 128 I am running studs on the outside also every row. Al
Rich I think your right its been two years since I got my studs but not sure but there site says 1' but they stuck quite a ways out from my stock track lugs. Im gonna measure one for reference an then hopefully this weekend I can borrow my buddies air impact to remove my remaining studs in my old track. out of the 192 that were in my old track maybe a total of 5 or 10 are bent a little but not broken. then like you guys say ill just put one in my kimpex and go from there.
Alright thanx for the info I kinda figured that I wouldn't be able to just throw my old studs in the new track lol oh well at least now I know.
oh duh! sorry not really a morning person sometimes lol I put a stud up to my track an it looked pretty good, man its weird how these stud companies measure there studs. Alright now I just need to remove the rest of them an order some nuts. are u open on the weekends or ill just get back to you next week?
