Tip Up Town USA 2013


New member
Dec 13, 2009
Yankee Zephyr Racing Promotions is proud to announce the first annual Tip Up Town Snowmobile ice drag races to be held at the famed Tip Up Town event on January 18th & 19th 2013 in Houghton Lake Michigan. The track will be located just north and west of the Tip Up Town event area that is located on beautiful Houghton lake right smack dab in the middle of Michigan’s snowmobile country. The snowmobile race tracks will be divided into two separate tracks one for the ice race snowmobiles and one for the trail race snowmobiles totaling eight lanes of racing. The ice snowmobile side of the race will have four lanes plowed to the ice surface 660’ long and each lane 24’ wide the ice track will also have a Race America timing system on site with R,T. E,T. & finish place time slips. ONLY ice racing snowmobiles will be allowed on this side of the racing event. To race your snowmobile on the ice side your snowmobile track must not have higher than 1” track lug height and must have ice racing traction products “ I,E. picks / chisels / sharpened carbide”. If your snowmobile does not meet the ice racing side requirements we have a track for you to play on too. The trail racing track will be packed & groomed snow 660’ long and each lane 24’ wide and any snowmobile will be allowed to run on this race track. Traction products or no traction products the start line will be a packed snow surface leveling the playing field for everyone to enjoy. This is a closed course event so trail permits and Michigan registration are not required, which will allow you to dust off old thunder and bring her to an event with no hassles’ The racing will be grudge style racing on both days on both tracks from 10am till 5pm on Friday the 18th and from 10am till 3pm on Saturday the 19th The cost of track time is $20 per snowmobile which gets you unlimited runs to race you snowmobile racing rival over and over again. You must purchase a Tip Up Town button to attend this event, the buttons will be sold for $6 each and allows you access to all Tip Up Town events both weekends. The street address for the event is 4392 West Houghton Lake Drive Houghton Lake MI 48629 which puts you in the Elks club parking lot we will be using to get the teams out on the lake. On Saturday we will most likely have 3 or 4 classes we will run at the end of the day just to settle lake racer rivalries. For more info contact me at 616-260-4382 M-F 8am – 8pm or go to houghtonlakechamber.net
were headed there on friday..anything goin on..

my luck..were headed up there on friday-sunday..missed the drags. is there gonna be any t.y. events goin on or maybe some of us yamaha nuts want to get2her and talk yamaha over a few...
