Electronics swap,now sled wont start


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
Ok to give the highlights here I have a 98 SRX 700 and I swapped the entire electronics system over to 2000,it's taken me more time than I anticipated to do all this and I figured on having this project done about a month ago.Unfortunately because I don't have the space in my shed for 2 sleds I've been working on this one at my cousins in an unlit unheated garage so needless to say with the cold temps lately work on it has been very slow.Anyway I finally got everything back together tonight to the point I could fire it up and I was kind of pumped.I dump a 5 gal can of gas in the tank,pull the plugs and pull the engine over with the key off to hopefully draw some gas up into the lines and carbs.I pour some gas into all 3 cylinders,put the plugs back in and pull the cord.Boom,fire.YES.At least I know the mag is firing.Prime it again,same thing fires until the gas is gone and then dies.Nothing new I mean the carbs are bone dry,I figured it would take 3 or 4 times of priming it to get the gas into the carbs.Well after about the 9th or tenth time of firing and stalling I figured something is wrong here.

I pull the airbox back off and look at the fuel lines,they seem to have fuel in them.I try to back off the drain screw on the pto carb to see if there's gas in the float bowl but I couldn't get the screw driver to set in the screw square enough.About this time I was getting mondo frustrated but I tried priming it a couple more times just because.Same thing.Ok I'm done for the night,it's dark and I'm working by the headlights of my truck.

Now I'm making a mental list of things to check tomorrow.
- pull gas line and make sure pump is pumping
- if pump is working pull carbs and check float bowls for gas
- if gas is in float bowls pull carbs apart again

The carbs were cleaned completely before I started with new pilots and mains so in theory they should be good to go but if there's one thing I've learned over the years is never over look the obvious.So that being said can someone point out some other things I may have omited here that would be worth a look?As I have stated previously it will fire as long as I prime the cylinders but as soon as that gas is burned up the engine stalls so I'm going out on a limb here and say that the mag,cdi and coils are working.I just can't understand why none of the carbs will draw gas through them,you'd think at least one of them would be pulling fuel after priming the engine down the cylinder about a dozen times.And yes the choke was on full the whole time as well.
what did you set your floats to? 14mm off the deck, if you set them too low, hold enough fuel in the bowl to pick up. I would ask if you cleaned the nossles but that wouldn't cause this issue.
Maybe you just soaked it down with too much fuel?
I had my carbs off 3 times this year. Pulled it over a few times with the plugs out, added a shot of premix to each cylinder, NO choke and it lit up first pull and stayed running with a couple flips of the throttle. It did this every time in a heated shop. Once without the heat, but it was around freezing temps.

Did you have the tank out? Check your lines all the way to the tank then pop a fuel line off 1 carb and give it a pull or two to see if the pump is working. I think your missing something simple.
Well pulled the carbs off and checked everything and I would say BTV hit the bullseye,the floats were set at 15mm,something I never checked when I had them apart the first time.Or if I did check them got a different measurement,anyway I set them to about 13.5 and now it's working like a charm.Thanks for all the advise.
