Can anyone tell me if they know of a company that ever produced an aftermarket 800cc engine for the srx? I'm not talking about a big bore kit here, I mean it's a complete top end. I'm not sure about the base but there are three individual cylinders (non yamaha cylinders) and a one piece head. Doesn't look like stock yamaha pipes on it either. It's supposed to make in the neighborhood of 185hp. I'm familiar with the different big bore kits out there but haven't seen anything like this before so I was hoping someone on here had. I have a photo of the motor but am brand new to this site and don't know how to post a picture.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
I have heard of price brothers 800-1000 kits but havent seen one myself. These are big bore kits so not sure if they are what your talking about. Talked to a guy in houghtan lake MI that had a 00 srx for sale over the summer. He was telling me about the 1000 price brothers srx he has. From what he said they used their own cylinders,pistons,powervalves,head with their own pipes. Supposedly still trail rideable on pump gas. Would be interested in seeing that pic you have.
Thanks but I've never heard of Price Brothers myself so I did a quick search on the net but didn't find anything... I'd post the pic if I knew how.

load your pics to click on the pic you will say copied..then paste where you want.Simple as that.
I use HP Photosmart to load my pics also,and you can edit them and resize them their also..
I use HP Photosmart to load my pics also,and you can edit them and resize them their also..
Vt Srx
New member
There was an 800 srx for sale here a year or two ago. I believe it was designed by Yami for snocross but never released to the public. Others will chime in. Bender also made an 835.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Never went looking, maybe this is what he was talking about.
Never went looking, maybe this is what he was talking about.
that kinda looks like it... at least the flat looking one piece head looks similar. I attached a link to my photo in the previous thread. Thanks. I did my search using Price Brothers.

I'm not seeing your link to your photo.
It shows up as a little photo icon... I'm not sure why. Right click on it and select "open image in new tab", then open the new tab which is the site that bluemonster1 described and you should see the photo.

those are just mega-power heads. It's probably a 780 big bore kit. who's? well that's the question. You know that it's an 800 or you were just guessing? the mega power heads can be put on stock 700s too.
Yeah, I know about the mega power heads but it's the cylinders that have me stumped. They're definately not yamaha jugs and every big bore kit I know of simply use the yamaha jugs and either bore or sleeve them. The guy who has the engine says he was told it's an 800 and is supposed to make about 185hp running on pump gas. That sounds a little optimistic to me so I was trying to find out who built it.

looks like stock pipes, also looks like stock cylinders to me but hard to say from the pic. I dont believe it will make 185 on stock pipes
the cylinders look stock to me, at least the outside.
i dont see any pic, but most big bore kits are 780, just bore out existing cylinders. Hauck made a few 74mm kits which are 800 kits, but they are thin,thin, and had a bad habit of cracking the cylinders, the pistons were also incredibly heavy compared to the 72.9mm ones. They were a complete differnt design piston. With stock pipes its not making 185hp as the pipes wont let it, they are totally done making power in the 168-170hp range, been there dun would have to have a set of bender big bore pipes to be up at that power level.
Active member
To bad Yamaha didn't offer their 800 cylinders/piston to the public. They would have and still would sell the schnitt out of them.
Crankshop d&d bender all do motor ports 800 and better but u will need those big pipes for top results! Clutching gearing plus crank machining ! I would place a built of that cc well about 5 k also I'm sure any local machine shop ! I got a quote from my guy has everything to port machine work 500 to 700 plus I get the parts I want good deal ! Stock pipes have a 170 ish max plus delta v force reed cages u need at the least plus carb porting flat side ! Air box has to be modded correctly ! And ur cooling system also needs modification anything past 780 ur looking at to much $ ! My thought 780 is perfect save the rest to dress her up! Although we all know that long block is able to perform 1000cc that's were yamaha got us!
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Yamaha did have a factory built 800 kit. It was jugs and pistons from Yamaha, it was only for snowcross applications. I have seen a couple in my area, but you are limited on available factroy pistons. (none made anymore)
I guess you could go with a aftermarket piston.
I guess you could go with a aftermarket piston.
Y-2 factory number I believe to be the 800 piston
New member
Cant see any pic, I know Iantomasi makes their own cylinders, I believe they were generally 1000cc but it could be some custom job.