I've read quite a bit about the hard starting issues whitht the newer SRX's but didn't run across a post that had the same issue I am experiencing and where this is my first experience with an 01 hopefully someone can point me in a direction or two to look at.
I'll try to describe what's going on with mine without getting ahead of myself and leaving things out.
To start with when cold,first start up,I choke it and it usually starts after about 4-5 pulls that's nothing new,my 98 is about the same.So I'm riding for say 10-15 miles and the group I with comes up on another group of friends so we fetch er up and chat for 20 minutes or so.Not too long that the engine should need choke to start again right?Well The first time we did this I pull the cord figuring it would fire right up,after the second pull and not even a sputter I though "what's up with this?"
Finally after pulling for I'm guessing a dozen times it sputtered,I pulled the cord with throttle applied and not I reset the tether switch cover thinking it may be off,nothing.It starts and idles perfect,WTF?Why all the cranking?
So this happens a couple more times and then I believe I found the secret to starting the engine,I crack the throttle lever about a 1/4 and pull the cord.I discovered that the engine will usually start after the second or third pull,but the werid part is even though the engine fires with the throttle cracked it'll run for about a second or so then it almost stalls but because the throttle is still cracked it picks right up again and idles fine after that.
I put all new tygon fuel tank to pump lines on this fall and the gas lines from the pump to the carbs were all in good shape.Do these sleds have a tendancy to have the gas drain back out of the carbs?
As soon as I can get my 98 out of the shed I will bring the 01 back in and take the carbs off just to check things out but I thought I'd get a feel for what some of you guys thought too.
I'll try to describe what's going on with mine without getting ahead of myself and leaving things out.
To start with when cold,first start up,I choke it and it usually starts after about 4-5 pulls that's nothing new,my 98 is about the same.So I'm riding for say 10-15 miles and the group I with comes up on another group of friends so we fetch er up and chat for 20 minutes or so.Not too long that the engine should need choke to start again right?Well The first time we did this I pull the cord figuring it would fire right up,after the second pull and not even a sputter I though "what's up with this?"
Finally after pulling for I'm guessing a dozen times it sputtered,I pulled the cord with throttle applied and not I reset the tether switch cover thinking it may be off,nothing.It starts and idles perfect,WTF?Why all the cranking?
So this happens a couple more times and then I believe I found the secret to starting the engine,I crack the throttle lever about a 1/4 and pull the cord.I discovered that the engine will usually start after the second or third pull,but the werid part is even though the engine fires with the throttle cracked it'll run for about a second or so then it almost stalls but because the throttle is still cracked it picks right up again and idles fine after that.
I put all new tygon fuel tank to pump lines on this fall and the gas lines from the pump to the carbs were all in good shape.Do these sleds have a tendancy to have the gas drain back out of the carbs?
As soon as I can get my 98 out of the shed I will bring the 01 back in and take the carbs off just to check things out but I thought I'd get a feel for what some of you guys thought too.

my Viper is somewhat like that right now. when it's warm I have to crack the throttle. Mine is rich right now on the bottom, which I think is the issue. I just havent had enough time to do any good fine tuning yet as we really only had 1 weekend of snow here so far. Now thats gone. I'll have to wait for this warm front to pass and another snowstorm.
I know what your saying yesterday was only the second time I had the sled out and we put on about 120 miles where as last Saturday we only put about 20 miles or so on.

I dont know if you checked your reeds over good but they can cause issues like this too.
New member
Its habbit for me to crack the throttle with the left hand and the rope with the right, fires first pull everytime.
New member
I have two carb racks for my 98 srx700, I make sure to keep the carbs spotless at all times. Both carb racks are set-up stock. When starting the sled warm, I need to crack the throttle with one hand, while pulling with the other. It is a habit, as long as the throttle is cracked it starts.
bADa$$ SRX
New member
mine starts alot easier warm if i crack the throttle too
Yeah it seems to fire with the throttle cracked but it's the sudden stumble and then it picks back up and idles perfect that has me questioning whats going on.I checked the reeds when I had everything apart and they are fine,v forece 3's.
Active member
Sounds like the load relay is coming on causing a quick stumble.
agree with bluwho, there was a service bulletin on this, i will try andd find it. i too think its the load control relay doing it.
found it,,,part number for the kit to repair it is 90891-50137-00
its a updated harness section that plugs into your exisiting harness so its a plug and play repair. comes with new relay. i have the instructions but its pretty easy, if you need them i can scan them and post them. I will have to have the wife do it, i am not too computer savy....lol
its a updated harness section that plugs into your exisiting harness so its a plug and play repair. comes with new relay. i have the instructions but its pretty easy, if you need them i can scan them and post them. I will have to have the wife do it, i am not too computer savy....lol
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I have another relay I will try in it as this weather cools off, that sounds about right because it acts like something electrical when it stumbles.
Thanks Don, would this be something the owner would have paid for or was it an actual recall? When I brought the sled home and got my recall letter from Yamaha Canada everything was supposed to be up to date.mrviper700 said:found it,,,part number for the kit to repair it is 90891-50137-00
its a updated harness section that plugs into your exisiting harness so its a plug and play repair. comes with new relay. i have the instructions but its pretty easy, if you need them i can scan them and post them. I will have to have the wife do it, i am not too computer savy....lol
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
If I remember correctly putting headlight in high beam mode circumvents this. If it still stumbles in high beam might be something else. That repair kit runs $12-20 bucks.
Devilin AblueDress! said:If I remember correctly putting headlight in high beam mode circumvents this. If it still stumbles in high beam might be something else. That repair kit runs $12-20 bucks.
I had trouble starting my viper yesterday cranked 10 times.. it would want to start then stall.. put in hibeam position. bam 1st crank she ran.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
lsbufis said:I had trouble starting my viper yesterday cranked 10 times.. it would want to start then stall.. put in hibeam position. bam 1st crank she ran.
In your case I think the new relay (maybe warming yours up if it was REAL cold) would solve issue. The 01 srx had a service bulletin with update to harness, unaware of anything for the viper.
fourbarrel said:Thanks Don, would this be something the owner would have paid for or was it an actual recall? When I brought the sled home and got my recall letter from Yamaha Canada everything was supposed to be up to date.
I got it for free when my sled was still under a year old. I had not complained about it but a buddy of mine picked it up for me when he complained about it happening on his SXR of the same MY.
On a side note, my 2000 SRX 700 will not first start of the day at all on it's own when it's colder than 40 degrees outside. As soon as I put a little gas or starting fluid into the airbox, it fires within 2 pulls and then it's set for the day. I keep a can of starting fluid in the seat compartment. I tried filing 1mm off the choke plungers and that made no difference whatsoever. Nature of the beast I suppose!
I've had the same problem on my SRX this past weekend. I did rebuild the engine in the summer, but i had it running well before the most recent starting trouble. I tried everything-playing with the throttle, removing the plugs and pulling, and then putting premix in the jugs. the premix trick would get it running for 4-5 seconds. tried it 3 times, but i couldn't get it to idle evenly. The only strange thing that I've done strange is tip it on its side for a while when I was replacing carbides a few weeks back. i do suspect its a fel supply problem because i must have pulled the thing close to 100 times and couldn't smell any gas. Carbs were adjusted post rebuild and i can see the choke plungers are engaging when the choke is open. At a loss, very frustrating when there is snow on the ground
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
BarrySRX said:I've had the same problem on my SRX this past weekend. I did rebuild the engine in the summer, but i had it running well before the most recent starting trouble. I tried everything-playing with the throttle, removing the plugs and pulling, and then putting premix in the jugs. the premix trick would get it running for 4-5 seconds. tried it 3 times, but i couldn't get it to idle evenly. The only strange thing that I've done strange is tip it on its side for a while when I was replacing carbides a few weeks back. i do suspect its a fel supply problem because i must have pulled the thing close to 100 times and couldn't smell any gas. Carbs were adjusted post rebuild and i can see the choke plungers are engaging when the choke is open. At a loss, very frustrating when there is snow on the ground
My first thought would be the floats. Might have ben to low to begin with and tipping it on its side they are hung in the closed position.