How much does the servo motor turn? Mine only turns the distance of the two places the cables connect under .5 inch. And what rpm are they suppose to open up at. I am new to srx and recently bought a 780 and it was suppose to be clutched rite but I can only hit 8000.
should turn more than that sounds like the power valves need to be ajusted there are many threads on here to help u good luck
Or the wires arnt hooked up right ive seen that as well
srx steve
New member
Also check the wires under the engine for a rub thru
What is the total range of movement of the Pvalves? Isnt it only like a half inch?
When you say the wires are you referring to the power valve cables ?
usually the 2nd groove when its open will be right around 12 o clock position, it opens the pulley counter clockwise. I never measure how much it moves but its not a drastic amount, bout a 1/2-5/8" I suppose.
you can idle it down under 900rpm and the servo will fully open or rev it up above 6000rpm and the servo opens.
you can idle it down under 900rpm and the servo will fully open or rev it up above 6000rpm and the servo opens.