srx 700 center cylinder hotter

laser beam from device.I have one.I can also check all 3 exhausts pipes for temps.can even check how cold your BEER is even check how hot a women may want to get one mod.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
bluemonster1 said:
laser beam from device.I have one.I can also check all 3 exhausts pipes for temps.can even check how cold your BEER is even check how hot a women may want to get one mod.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have one as well blue, pretty cool tool/toy! I think mods looking for a "cuz its melting the plug" or "the pipe is cherry red" or "I used my infrared digital termometer"
666devil_in_blue700 said:
I have a 2000 srx 700 center cylinder allways runs hotter is that normal? if not how do I correct it?

sure, it can run warmer then the other 2, just stagger the jetting as needed is all. Any engine can have a hotter cylinder then the others, doesnt really mean anything.

are you reading a egt?
I usually run the stock 10 plug in the middle cylinder ! I seem to think it helps no problems runs cool p
