Best carbides for srx?

sharp ones...

just kidding but it depends on if you have studs, how many?
no studs yet....just looking to get through whats left of this season....i have used shapers on sx's and viper with good results...just wondering if there was a better option out there,,,

Link to similar thread I started a while ago. I went with 8" woodys executives on the 99 have only rode it a couple hundred miles and seem pretty good. Picked up an 01 (unstuded) that got a set of the same in 6"...hasnt left the trailer. 00 is in "long term storage" until we get some worth a crap snow.
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I only run 4-4.5" on mine, but im not on stock skis no studs aswell. Latley ive been going with whichever is cheapest, low snow really eats em up. Ive heard awesome reviews on the Bergstrom Skegs.....
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I put on a set of 6" Bergstrom Triple Points on my unstudded 2001 SRX 700. Expensive, but worth every penny. The sled steers night and day different. Love 'em!
We carry differant ski's in the trailer for differant conditions. For fun, fast trails, the stock SRX/SXR ski's with 8" carbide shapers are great. For deeper snow, boondocking, Apex ski's with Woodies slimjim's w/6" carbide are awsome. Easy to switch back and forth also.
I tried to purchase some stud boy shapers,but nobody at the dealership could find a part number and they claimed they couldnt get them. i actually looked at stud boy website while i was there and it said the same thing...not available...... :o|
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