02 srx 700 coolant light flashes


New member
Dec 29, 2012
Okay when I am riding sled the coolant light will flash 6 times fast. It happens every couple minutes or so. I thought it was the knock sensor but when that is disconnected it flashes 6 times slow continuously. The old knock sensor read about 1000k ohms which is out of the spec of 500-600k so I went ahead and replaced sensor with new one which measured the correct resistance thinking maybe the out of spec measurement of the old sensor was just causing coolant light to flash faster or something like that. Anyways still has same problem. 6 quick flashes the nothing for a few minutes until it does it again. Any ideas? I can't seem to find any info at all.
are you over heating..do you know?? Years back mine was flashing like that after high speed runs,then hit the deeper snow and cooled her down..Found out the thermostat imploded..had to replace it.Now carry an extra here as well.After the fix,light stayed off.One thing to check anyways..
Power valve code is (or should be) 7 flashes. Not overheating cuz it does it as soon as you start to ride it. I have only ridden this sled about 30 miles but to me it feels like its holding back especially on top end. I'd swear my 02 ski doo 700 would spank it and that shouldn't be the case. I picked this up as an impulse buy. It's a 4th sled and I'm disappointed and ready to sell it already.
take servo cover off.Staret sled and warm it up.Then either turn idle down to below 900 rpm or use the choke to slow rpm down..then watch the srvo if it cycles.Also up on a stand you can rev up to 6500-7000 and watch if the servo cycles.Forgot,but when you start up the motor,servo should cycle once also.At least you will know if it rotates.Also pull on each cable to see if there is tension there and that it pulls back.If one doesn't pull back,could be broken cable or pull thru the valve itself.When I pulled on my #1 cable the cable kept coming out..I knew my cable was broke then.
Well good news is it has electric start so as soon as I turn the key on servo moves. Cables all have tension on them although #2 cable is has more slack then 1 & 3. Should I just adjust it up a tad while I'm in there? Also maybe pull Tstat just to be sure. I've read many Tstat failures on here. Is there a gasket or oring on Tstat?
Ok thanks for all your help so far. Ill get a gasket and check Tstat even though I'm pretty confident that's not why light is flashing. Would help if we had a snow!
