Carbides on 02 Viper and SRX


Jan 6, 2013
Tamworth, NH
I had posted about the 02 Viper I just purchased.

It came with (not installed) new Woody 8 INCH carbides. The sled came with 96 studs (fairly recent and track looks good).

So I have done some research online and seems most recommend the 6 INCH carbides.

So my question is - do I just install the new 8 inch carbides? Or will that be "too much" for the sled and stud set up?

Thank you.
Whats on it now? How do those work? 8 seems a bit much for only 96 studs. Are you planning any more studs? Worse case scenario your arms may get tired from wrestling them back and forth. Seems a little silly but You could hit them with a grinder and back them down to 6". Might have to hit them on the end of the carbide with a welder if they are currently welded on the ends.
yep , put them on and ride it......... if its too much digging in, you can just let out the front limiter straps a 1/4" or so and it will relieve some of the steering pressure.
mrviper700 said:
yep , put them on and ride it......... if its too much digging in, you can just let out the front limiter straps a 1/4" or so and it will relieve some of the steering pressure.

Thanks guys - yea what I figured was 8 inches would be a bit too much for the 96 studs - but yea I guess I can try it - its a new sled - never ridden so I dont know how she handles now.

"let out the front limiter straps a 1/4" or so" man I have a lot to learn ! I am not sure what this means but I will try to figure it out!

Devilin AblueDress! said:
Whats on it now? How do those work? 8 seems a bit much for only 96 studs. Are you planning any more studs? Worse case scenario your arms may get tired from wrestling them back and forth. Seems a little silly but You could hit them with a grinder and back them down to 6". Might have to hit them on the end of the carbide with a welder if they are currently welded on the ends.

not sure what is on them now - will look at them this weekend when I am (fingers crossed) up north! I am not planning on more studs no.

I think I will put them on and see how it goes - then loosen the limiter (yes I def learned something!!) if they dig too much etc.
