got a clutch setup its been working very good. did some gearing have reads looking for more improvements is this a good one and how much would i shave?
better idea to find 2000 up heads less trouble
oh right on i just did a topend rebuild a few weeks ago and now I'm running 2000 cylenders and heads i didn't realize they were different. should have asked on here before installing them whats the difference>?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
00 and up has smaller dome= higher compression. Did you check squish when you were putting it back together? 98 srx 600 CDI (thanks again) will give you at little advance in the timing = more power as well.
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600 heads will not fit right there ...its not the same bore
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
modsrx said:600 heads will not fit right there ...its not the same bore
DAMN FINGERS SKIPPED THE "CDI" PART....WILL GO FIX...thanks for catching that!
i got 3 cylinders with the 3 heads power valves and servo for 250 dollars off a guy who had a 2000 srx and had these as spares . for 250 dollars i could not go wrong, i didn't check squish thinking they were the same i will defiantly be checking compression and squish tomoro or tonight
is there any other improvements you guys would recommend?
u can go with ported cylinder ...but u need to like to play with fire lolllll....but keep those 2000 heads stock
yea i was thinking about porting might just play with gearing and clutching for the rest of the year then port in the summer, thanks for the advise fellow ty members!!

also, since you now basically have a 2000 engine, you can upgrade to the 2000 up electrical and ignition but you need the complete system.
I talked to the owner at Maximum Performance before they went out of business about this. He told me not to go under .050" squish on my 2000 SRX, or trouble would follow. He told me .010" was max. beyond that you'd need to change the squish angle. I'd ask MrViper for a difinative answer on this one. Not a gamble to take lightly.
Good Luck, John
Good Luck, John
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
700srxrob said:i got 3 cylinders with the 3 heads power valves and servo for 250 dollars off a guy who had a 2000 srx and had these as spares . for 250 dollars i could not go wrong, i didn't check squish thinking they were the same i will defiantly be checking compression and squish tomoro or tonight
They are the same bore/stroke. Just combustion chamber on 00+ heads a little smaller. Just my .02 worth a few minutes and $1 worth of sodder to check. Easy way to find anything funky going on, Most likely your fine. To little bring on the detonation and to much your loosing compression.
700srxrob said:got a clutch setup its been working very good. did some gearing have reads looking for more improvements is this a good one and how much would i shave?
stick to stock if your not a tuner, engine mods should be the last thing you do. Theres actually more gain in clutching and gearing,suspension work then engine work on a srx700. If you have updated to the 2000-02 (8dn10 casting marks on cyl and heads) cylinders and heads, its already got more compression and better port timing then your old 98-99 cylinders had.
Do not just add a 600 srx cdi box, when you add timing you add heat to the pistons. You also need to add fuel to compensate and this would not be a good bolt on unless your a good tuner, you can end up holing the pistons real easy with increased ign. timing and not tuning in the carbs to account for that.
You seem like a fairly newbee to these sleds, no offense intended, but dont get yourself into a world of hurt/repair due to what you read is a performance gain without knowing what all goes along with that modification.