Top sprocket nut in chain case keeps backing off


New member
Nov 16, 2010
Riversdale Ontario
The treads look good, has happened 3 times now, also the last time it did it the jackshaft had moved to the left causing the sprocket to fall in the bottom of the chain case.. Just wondering why this nut won't stay tight.
I had a top sprocket nut back off on my SRX a few years back. Since then I have always ensured the curved washer is in good shaope and in place and I clean the shaft threads with solvent, wipe dry then use Red loctite on the threads and torque the nut to Yamaha specs. I have never had another issue with the nut coming loose for 1000s of miles.

Works for me..
I also had one back off on my SRX and ruin a ride. I do what Bob does except I use blue loctite, the red scares me.
My Viper did it twice to me last year.. I got a new washer and used red loctite.. No more problems yet and have put over 1000kms since. I asked around and not many people heard of this happening. Have had my sled for 8-9yrs and never had that problem till last season.. New washer seemed to really help, I think they wear out..
