1998 Srx 700 front heat exchanger??


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Lansing Mi
I was on the trail this weekend and off. Hit a stump covered by snow. A few mins later i have a coolant leak. When i checked under the sled its leaking from what looks like a front heat exchanger? I can not find a front heat exchanger in any diagrams?? If there is a front heat exchanger how do you get it off to repair? Thanks for any and all help!!! The sled is a 1998 srx 700.
Thats a lot of work changing that heat exchanger. Ya basically gotta tear the whole sled apart from what i can see. good luck
I can't find it in a diagram?? I also of the service manual?? Do you know of any diagrams that show it? thanks
Cant point you to a fische or diagram but I can assure you theres one there. Changing it from what I hear is quite the chore, I never have myself. Have heard of guys pulling skid/track pop the skis off and stand it on its nose. If its a small hole you may be able to weld it up. Hitting a stump I would expect it to be more of a split seem or gash.
Thank you for the reply! Yes it looks like a pain!! If there is anyone out there who has done this PLEASE let me in on any tricks! (lol) Going to give this a weekend to get it out and welded up. Thanks again.
I helped... Well I watched a buddy (I was doing 12oz curls). I do know he was doing a lot of hooting and hollering. From what I remember the cooler is very tight in the tunnel. He had to remove the skid and track. We then put the skis on his work bench and lifted the back with an engine hoist. That's where my help stopped. When it came time to actually remove the cooler, like I said it was super tight, he had to spread the tunnel. I think he used a 4x4 and wedged it, DO NOT DO THIS, it creased the tunnel a little. I would suggest maybe a small bottle jack and go easy. Good Luck!
remove the motor, good time to clean and check your wire harness and cover it with new tape or flexi wire covering.
remove your skid and track.
unbolt your trailing arms in the back and let them hang
unrivet the back of your bellypans and let them hang
You can then drill out all of your rivets, drive the nails out of them first and if you have someone around, hold the backs with vice grips, it will go faster
once it is loose, you will also want to remove at least one of the nuts that is riveted on the inside of the tunnel. they will get in the way. also, there are a couple of other rivets that if you look, you will see they stick in the way, this is what makes the tunnel too narrow, its not the tunnel, its a few rivets that stick inside.
At the top of the tunnel, you have the top panel. you should remove a couple rivets on either side of the heat exchanger to allow you to slide a screwdriver in between to spread it a bit.
Should come right out
back in the same way.
It is alot of work so plan on a long day
If you search some of my posts, there is one for the easy way to bleed your sled and one below that tells the easy way to install your skid without swearing or using a spring loaded battering ram with rubber band boost packs.

The reason you can not find on on line is the first few years, you could only buy a frame, no pieces. if you look up a 2001 sled, it will be in there. I have used and rivets. You never really own anything till you tear it all apart and put it together yourself
If the hole isn't that big I would pull the skid and JB Weld it. I put a stud through a polaris exchanger years ago and it worked fine. You could also pull the skid and track, drain the coolant and have it welded without removing it. Taking it out completely is an SOB.
