Anybody have trouble keeping carb boots on?


New member
Nov 30, 2004
northern michigan
My carb boots want to keep sliding off the carb bells. Thankfully I've never burned it down, but it concerns me for sure! I have reed spacers and have shimmed up the airbox the best I can to keep everything lined up. Any ideas, do the boots wear over time, just curious and looking for ideas....
I had a sx 700 that would do that I used carb cleaner and cleaned the rubber and the carb and put them together it was good then.
I have cleaned everything up good and even put some Yamabond on this last time. It was pretty cold when I did it so who knows if that helped at all.
The motor and mounts seem to be tight and the belt is aligned good. Wouldn't the clutching and belt wear be bad if the motor was moving enough to pull the carb boots off? I've had this problem for a while and it seems to be getting worse. The sleds performs well and I have excellent belt life too.....
