Fuel question

Cam/ Viper adict

New member
Feb 13, 2009
Doing about 800km round trip next weekend with a group of guys and some of us are concerned about fuel. We know that at a couple of stops the gas stations do not have premium fuel and only E10 crap. Was wondering if there are any fuel conditioners that can be added to help with problems caused by the ethonal fuel. I do not like to put that ethonal in my Viper as it does cause problems.. Any sugestions would be appreciated..

The riding has been awesome in the great white north. ;)!
I have been contimplating that as I use premium all the time and for 1 day of riding and maybe a tank of E10 crap I thought maybe there was something I could add.. Thanks Mr.Viper
add: On a viper the mag and the center cylinders are just too close to the edge,even bone stock, the added compression, increased ign. timing and stock mono head is just a recipe for disaster with the quality of todays gas.
I would at the very minimum raise the needles in the mag and center cylinders, the pto can also be done but the pto cylinders dont hardly EVER blow up because the compression is just low enough to not have the problem of the other 2 cylinders. Its all about the amount of heat created right before detonation occurs, the lower compression protects that cylinder, where as raising the needle will protect the mag and center some as well by cooling off the piston crown some more with fuel.

I raise them in ALL the vipers that come here for carb cleans, its just routine now, and no failures have been brought back, even though its just a 3.0 to a 3.25 set up change, it definitely takes the edge off. I also preach to use octane booster, you just dont know what your getting at the pump anymore. I know octane booster wont make 87 into 91 but it will keep the edge off along with the needle change. The way I look at it, octane boost is $6.00 a bottle a new piston is $100, not too mention all the other stuff that may need to accompny the piston to rebuild it, like a crankshaft! :o|
