Anyone know what may have happened? I cleaned the carbs and gave most everything the once over and now when I try to go from idle (1500 rpm) to wide open throttle and hold it there for a couple of seconds it stalls. Now if I work the throttle to build up the rpm (2800 rpm) and then thumb the throttle to the bar it takes right off lots of power and good response. I've had the dirty power valve problem in the past and this is not the same. I checked all the jet ajustments before removing them during the carb clean and then screwed all the way in and backed out to the same position 1 1/2 turns when I put them back together. I am going to check the pv just incase but I was hoping anybody else may have somw suggestions. 

i would say take them back off and re clean them..pilots are probably plugged again after the restart..this year i had to clean my carbs 3 times before i got them spotless..also i would change your screws to 2 turns out..
I'd say turn your idle screws to 2 full turns as well. 1.5 is a little slim...

Super Moderator
X2 on the carb reclean and at least 2 turns out of fuel screws. 1 7/8 is stock.
Ok thanks guys! I have had them off and cleaned twice already, I'm getteing a little better each time and find new places for the s@#t that is in the ethanol gas to sit and collect. I have made the swith to full premium mostly for that reason and do find that the viper runs a little better on the high test too. Again thanks and I'm glad this is the problem and not something else.
New member
Absolutely....Don't run anything less than premium.