slamming srx


New member
Aug 27, 2008
ok guys im looking to slam my srx just dont know the best way to do it its already done in back im pretty sure just wanna know the best way to do the front

Here you go found this on here awhile ago

Front, just loosen up the spring adjusters till it drops down where you want it, then use a small peice of old motorcycle tie down nylon strap, cut it to the length, and heat up a old screwdriver, melt a hole in each end for the bolts to go thru on the shock mounts, add a washer and your done.(but put the straps on last after you do the rear skid)

Rear:, loosen up the front skid shock spring, then place a 4x4 block of wood under front of curve on rails/skid, set sled down on it and crank down the front limiter straps.

next loosen up the rear shock spring till you have 1 inch of thread showing, put FRA adjuster bolt on medium. Now the track rear wheels will be about 8 inchs off the ground, all you have to do is remove the bolt from the transfer rods and start adding shims(plastic spacers) to the BOTTOM side of the rods, this will lower the back down and even it out, youll start to see the track sit flat from the drivers to the rear wheels, try and keep about a goal 1/2" clearance between the bottom of the drivers and the surface, this way you wont bend the driveshaft if you hit a bump. Youll fine tune the rear with the front ski shocks, the more you raise up the front the more the rear wheels will get closer to the ground, but if you add enough shims to the bottom of the rods it will pull them right down,so just get the front close and do the straps to keep from loosing the spring retainers when the front end will come up off the springs last.

this will be fairly stiff and offer only about 2-3 inchs of travel. youll only have about a 1/2 of gap on the top side of the transfer rods, but the sled will hook hard because more of the track sirface is touching the ground, penetrating the ice and providing traction.
