2000 SRX 700 Basket Case


New member
May 23, 2006
N Illinios
I'm taking delivery of a 2000 SRX 700 Basket Case.

1800 miles on sled. I'm told sled has sat for a while and mice got into the crank case, weird? Top end and related parts are coming to me in a box, top end parts all look good.

Bottom end is in the sled, crank is locked up and won't spin, all rods move freely.

Otherwise sled seams in good shape, needs a seat.

I’ve been into a few sled in my day, top to bottom but this is my first Yamaha since my 79 Exciter.

So what do you experienced SRX guys think I'm in for. I know its impossible to say based on this info, but ...... what do ya think?

Thanks, Burny. :2strokes:
Get the crank out of it and feel and inspect every bearing and see how bad it is and decide whether to get it fixed or buy a used one, but that can be scary i would buy a crankshaft from some guys on this site but not just anybody.

Here is a pic of a crankshaft from a red head yamaha that I sent to midwest crankshaft in Green bay, WI last week.
What did the rebuild cost you?

So I see a lot of referances to "redhead" motors. I get that there SX? motors? Are they the same as the SRX motors?
Yeah I had that happen to a Polaris tripple. So jest the PTO end, no bearing work for $200.
Whats a complete rebuild cost?

What Yamaha seats fit? I wonder if I can make a Polaris PRO XR shorty seat fit.
We recently had a fellow yamaha owner that had a locked up motor. After tearing it down the top end came to the realization that stator had seized to flywheel from sitting an etended amount of time. Worth pulling the recoil-flywheel to see if this is the case with your motor. Recoil-flywheel will have to come off anyways. If it turns freely with flywheel off I would say your in better shape than you currently think. All to often when going off the conclusion's from previous owners we are all to often wrong. As many of us have found the hard way, When buying somebody else's problem/project or running sled you need to give it a real good once over.
Yeah I agree Devil, just picking brains and enjoying the conversation. I haven't been here in a while, doesn't take long to get a conversation going, nice!!

Its my summer project, its going to be completely torn down, motor, suspension, all the way to the tunnel/bulkhead.

It pouring rain here in N Illinois
Pouring here in northern mi as well. I think old man winter is taking mother natures estrogen or something. As I am sure you have read 2000 and up are the better SRX's to have. Just they sound of that power valved, tripple piped tripple is music to my ears! Proper maintance and they will run for almost forever.
Suck's I'm less then an 100yrds from the Chain-O-Lakes, miles and miles and miles of ice and the rain is killing it..

My current ice sled 98 Ski-Doo Mach1, stock except for picks and clutching. pretty much beats up on the SRX's aroung here. stock to stock.

I'm hoping this basket case SRX will be better than my Mach1 whenwe hit the ice next year.

Assuming we have ice.
No didn't go out, I was holding out for a little more snow, now I wish I had.

I could hear the sleds screaming across Channel and Catherine.

I'm a dozen houses down the street from you.
