Hey everyone, if you have not read my recent thread, I am getting a new track, I am getting a 1 inch hacksaw track, 90% of my riding is on lakes, so obviously I am thinking how i am going to stud my track, originally I had 144, but I am kinda leaning toward 192 this time around. does anyone use a 192 stud pattern on a 121 inch track?? if so would you recommend the pattern you use? if so, post some pictures if you could
Thanks in advance Nate
Thanks in advance Nate
Wow 192 is over kill on trail or race for 121. I have ice raced before with 120 and had more than enough hook up. 192 will slow it down more rotating mass. Id think 120 or 96 of them lake race studs witch are longer and thinner would work great. Some times less is more.
this is were it gets confusing, because everyone has their own ideas, and personal experiences. hmmmm more decisions hahahah, there are so many variables to this question
On a 121 I preffer 144, center 4 lugs in a V formation, outers every other lug. 1/4" longer than lug height. I actually have 204 on a 128" track and really like how it performs. We do alot of boon docking and back country riding. Studs can get you over that "hill climb", oversized "Log", stop when needed in an emergency. We buy all of our studs from "Stud-Masters" Great company and all made in USA
bADa$$ SRX
New member
im running a basic 192 pattern with a few extras lol here is the basic 192 pattern, staggered on the outside, v's on the inside, have not had a single pull out in 3000 miles, hooks up extremely well doesnt seem to hinder my top end to much ive had it up to 115 a couple of times on the speedo and once was around 124 mph on the speedo http://i1174.photobucket.com/albums/r601/SRXman/studs_zps39cb94b4.jpg
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thats what i like to hear, most off my running is on the lakes, nothing but wide open throttle for the most part, i feel like the 192 with the hacksaw track would be a great combo for an SRX
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bADa$$ SRX
New member
sorry that was a typo, i just edited it
yea, its ok, i edited like 3 times, then re read ur post... hurt my brain a little hahaha, but 3000 mies with out a pull through, thats more then what i had on my old track, that really is gunna push me forward to doing the 192