thinking about parting out my viper?


Lifetime VIP Member
Jun 23, 2011
Bismarck, ND
I am just curious what kind of money do people usually come out with? I wanted to sell it as a whole but im not having much luck. So im just curious if i would be smart parting it out?
Parting a sled is simply a product of supply/demand/and how fast you want to move things vs what you think you need to see out of them. In my experience, the bigger stuff usually has a pretty good market, although you will probably have to break some of it down to move. The little stuff sits around and you sell it in pits an pieces, here and there. When its all said and done, they are typically worth more in pieces, but it takes a longer time to get your $$ back out of them. You also have the hassle of shipping things to various places, getting estimates, finding boxes, etc.... So while parting often seems like the way to go, the grass isn't always as green on that side of the fence as it appears.
So I bet that is your ad out there on Bisman. That looks like a nice sled. I would be hitting you up if I didn't already have a Viper. Mine is stretched to just 144" with pipes. I am upwards of $4500 invested in mine and I just blew it up this winter. Lean burn down. I contemplated the same thing. But I will be rebuilding it and keeping it.

How did you like your Peak Performance Head? May I also ask you what main jets did you run in yours riding here in ND? How about the needle settings?
dcfjef said:
So I bet that is your ad out there on Bisman. That looks like a nice sled. I would be hitting you up if I didn't already have a Viper. Mine is stretched to just 144" with pipes. I am upwards of $4500 invested in mine and I just blew it up this winter. Lean burn down. I contemplated the same thing. But I will be rebuilding it and keeping it.

How did you like your Peak Performance Head? May I also ask you what main jets did you run in yours riding here in ND? How about the needle settings?
Ya that's it. I bet i gave $4500 or more invested. Um as for settings. I believe i have 165 as mains, needle i really wanna say 3.5. But that one let me check. Pilot i think i have a 50 in at 2 turns. I have not had any issues with this set up and it runs great.
CSKP0708 said:
whats wrong with it
Nothing at all is wrong with it. It runs great. Cosmetically its in great shpe other than the tunnel extension is bent. But other than that great sled. Im asking 2900 right now if interested pm me.
Do you like your Peak Performance Head? Do you think they are worth it? If you decide to part out your sled I will be interested in that.
Ya i really do. The reason i bought it mainly was to get away from dealing with bender. Who i personally despise. But that's my opinion. But ya its very nice easy to install and instead of taking compression you add it so mathematically you should make more power.
You mentioned that the tunnel extension is bent. How bad is it? I assume with the pipes that you have added a rear cooler on there?
