Anyone ever ship a sled from USA to Canada

i just delivered one to canada today. wasn't bad just about s#@t my pants to find out how much you guys pay in taxes.
talk about taxes ,in quebec snowmobile plate $73.00 a year,and renewal on plate for my pickup,$380.00 a year, they added $130 this year because it's a 5 litre'and some pay more, all about green house gases ,what a crock
it cost him 43.00 at the border and had to send something in for another 180.00 and i was even nice and said he got it for 500.00. you buy something for 500 and have to pay damn near 250 in taxes- that's theft in my book
The 180.00 is a fixed fee the federal government charges to register the vehicle in Canada and includes the cost of an inspection at an indepedent authorized facility to certify that it meets Canadian standards. They then send you a fancy stick-on label that says it meets standards. The taxes do suck, but the inspection and registration fee isn't unreasonable.
