2003 Viper Jetting for better mileage


New member
Aug 26, 2012
Newfoundland, Canada
Hey all. I was wondering if anyone has changed their jetting to increase fuel mileage? I love my viper but i'd like to get a few more miles out of a tank of gas as I ride with guys who have newer revs and nytros and at the end of a long ride I always bum gas to get back home. What would be the potential down side if any? Thanks. Love this site.
SXVChris said:
Hey all. I was wondering if anyone has changed their jetting to increase fuel mileage? I love my viper but i'd like to get a few more miles out of a tank of gas as I ride with guys who have newer revs and nytros and at the end of a long ride I always bum gas to get back home. What would be the potential down side if any? Thanks. Love this site.

what kind of mileage are you getting to a full tank?
Somthings not right if that nytro's getting more miles per tank then your viper. My buddy's nytro with that small 9 gal tank is hurting at about 100 miles. My vipers all get well over 100 miles. Not getting nervous till about 120+ yellow light will come on. But ive never tested it but im sure its still good for another 30 to 40 miles. Even at 12 miles to the gallon a viper will get over 120 miles per tank stock.
SXVChris said:
Hey all. I was wondering if anyone has changed their jetting to increase fuel mileage? I love my viper but i'd like to get a few more miles out of a tank of gas as I ride with guys who have newer revs and nytros and at the end of a long ride I always bum gas to get back home. What would be the potential down side if any? Thanks. Love this site.
i have an 02 viper and just put 117 miles on it running around on the lake and didnt even use a full tank.whats your gas milage.you running stock or no
I'll get about 90 miles or so to a tank. Reeds look ok with the very tip worn on one. And I have a can. Otherwise pretty much stock. Just cleaned the carbs. I'm not a really aggressive rider.
The can may hurt you a bit on mileage. What kind of track do you have and what shape is it in. Are all the skid wheels and bearing rolling free? Is the skid aligned properly? How are the clutches? Belt? What are you revving at? Jackshaft and driveshaft bearing? Is the chain too tight in the chaincase? Is the sled new to you? Did previous owner have different jetting? And the list goes on.
There are many things that can hurt mileage.
stein700sx said:
The can may hurt you a bit on mileage. What kind of track do you have and what shape is it in. Are all the skid wheels and bearing rolling free? Is the skid aligned properly? How are the clutches? Belt? What are you revving at? Jackshaft and driveshaft bearing? Is the chain too tight in the chaincase? Is the sled new to you? Did previous owner have different jetting? And the list goes on.
There are many things that can hurt mileage.
x2 on the above. Also I match the range if not go farther than a Nytro xtx. The can I tried effected milage a little, but not much. Track tension, and ski allignment could also effect milage. I would rather run the track a little on the loose side, as too tight kills top speed and milage.
SXVChris said:
I'll get about 90 miles or so to a tank. Reeds look ok with the very tip worn on one. And I have a can. Otherwise pretty much stock. Just cleaned the carbs. I'm not a really aggressive rider.

your gettin about 8 miles to the gallon, so you have mechanical issues with it somewhere. I would first start to look at the clutchs and the driveline. Like others have posted a viper will easily get 12-13=mpg, especially with your comment your not riding it hard.
If all you do is ride in powder snow and break trail, sure it will drop but not for trail riding, even aggressive you should be 10+mpg.

you have something causing "drag" or not working right with it.
