Anyone Heard from Richard?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
gregory michigan
Hey everyone. Jesse Here. I am waiting on a set of powervalves from Richard. I have been unable to contact him via txt (cell phone). I have not been on ty for several weeks. Has anyone heard from Richard? I am in desperate need of powervalves. I am supposed to leave today for a week trip and I am in need of all three. Any info would be great.
cell 734 645 1711
Is this the same guy that works full time and does this to help out fellow sledders? Last I heard on this sight was that he was pretty busy trying to keep up.
3g racing said:
What r u talking about ,maybe he shouldn't take on the work then if he can't keep up, last I knew viper king had three power valves to get rid of

Maybe you should PM him, instead of bashing him in the forum. I would think that you're a minority (unhappy), considering all the people he has helped out.
If you are talking about Yamahead...he hasnt been on the site since January 24th. I will try and email him. Hopefully all is well, Id hate to find out he has had an accident or a major family crisis.
I know that this doesnt get you on the snow any sooner, but I will see what I can find out.
Shafner79 said:
Maybe you should PM him, instead of bashing him in the forum. I would think that you're a minority (unhappy), considering all the people he has helped out.
Not trying to bash him just telling the truth I'm glad he helps us fellow sledders out I hope he didn't have any incidents either
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I called him on the phone, they had just arrived 15 min. before I called. I was going to offer to fix his, or loan him mine.
Has any one ben able to reach him? I know I cant. Called a few times,mail box is full. Tried text/e-mail/PM and am getting no response. Hope all is well....
Good to hear he is still alive! Thanks for the update
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