another track ?


Lifetime VIP Member
Sep 7, 2010
Chain o' Lakes area
hey everyone, got another track question, how long should i wait to stud my track after it is is installed?i understand the track stretches, just didnt know when would be a safe amount of milage before i put studs on
and also, my 1 inch hacksaw has clips every 3rd window, sooooo i have decided i wan to pick down the middle only. should i only run 96 picks??
I studded both my last two tracks before i even put them on the sleds. They dont stretch as much as they used to with todays materials. Just keep an eye on it but you should be fine. I would start out running stock track tension 22lbs downforce in middle of track for 1" sag. This will put you on the tight side to start.
i run the lakes, but my last track just blew last Saturday, the right side is nearly all gone.. i want to put picks on so i can rip down the lakes no problem, but i dont wanna repeat what happened with my last track. it had picks on the outside though
