Help w 02 Viper Issues


Jan 6, 2013
Tamworth, NH
OK - I read a bunch of threads on this - and there are a lot of "suggestions" as to the reason - so I thought to see if I could get an updated take on whats up. Tried to figure it out without posting but....

Finally got that Viper out for a run this weekend. Ran 'ok'...

Would bog after being pinned - then after it idled would come back fine, until you pinned again.

I left her at a Yamaha repair place (private party no dealer, recommended from Sled Club I am in up in NH). Anyways I told him to clean the cards check the sled out in general. Because of bog issue - then I read all the possible solutions here!

So if anyone has narrowed it down can you let me know what it could be?

Also - I do have a heat exchanger coming in (rear one from SRX) but someone also mentioned on here that I should set the jetting to the "4th setting."

Is that on the main jet? If someone could outline that a bit more I would appreciate it - just need a bit of direction on that one. So I can tell him specifically what I would need done.

This place is great but depressing at the same time LOL - I was kinda happy when I was ignorant of all this stuff now that I am becoming "aware" I see how much work I have to do and HOW LITTLE I know. Thanks a lot LOL.

If a viper/srx or any other older two stroke for that matter isn't running properly, the carbs are usually the first place to look. I refuse to drive any of my sleds for the first time each winter until the carbs have been gone through and cleaned. If your carbs are clean and it still isn't running right. Then it may be time to look elsewhere, but not before cleaning those carbs first.
OK mechanic just got back to me - carbs are CLEAN and seems to be no issue with them.

BUT he did a compression test and we get 115 on Num1 and 145 on 2 and 3.

Could that play into a bogging issue? Again - pin it - slow down (hit brakes) and she bogs, let her idle - she comes back fine. And does not do it all the time...

Any other suggestions on what to check?

kunomofo said:
OK mechanic just got back to me - carbs are CLEAN and seems to be no issue with them.

BUT he did a compression test and we get 115 on Num1 and 145 on 2 and 3.

Could that play into a bogging issue? Again - pin it - slow down (hit brakes) and she bogs, let her idle - she comes back fine. And does not do it all the time...

Any other suggestions on what to check?


ok, well in my opinion any mechanic who knows what a viper is would know they have staggered compression on them and the pto is lower then the other 2 cylinders... :o| you have no problem there for sure with compression.

so once I see that I have less faith in the rest of the information put forth by the mechanic working on it so I guess I need to ask a few questions to go further.

is the jetting confirmed to be stock?, that would be 45 pilots jets, 156.3 mains and the fuel screws are indeed set to 2 turns out from lightly seated?

is the throttle cable adjusted correctly with slack in it? have you ever bypassed the "tors" wires just to see if it solved the issue?
Have you put it on a stand and tested it? Or does it act up only under load? Clutches operating smoothly? Belt in good condition?
you guys are the farking balls lol.

I emailed him all your comments and waiting to hear back......

to be fair I only asked him to clean the I thought that was it - and now he gets to figure out what is going on.....
kunomofo said:
here was my mechanics response! lol

Wow,he just kicked my ASSS

Sent from Mark's iPhone

I truely dont mean anything personal, hope he doesnt get offended easily. You have to remember something, your posting a question on a forum for someone to give you a solution to a problem they have never witnessed. So for me, the information you provide has to tell me the clues or the hints as to the problem. People all the time say "my mechanic" and "my dealer" cleaned the carbs, set the powervalves, etc. and it was some kid working part time for $8.00 an hour and he has never even rode a srx or viper before because they are well.....old sleds now. And the problem was not serviced as said and you chase your tail trying to find out whats wrong.

tell him hope no harm done and to check the throttle cable tension, it has to have slack in it. Will still fully open the carbs with slack in the cable and to check the tors switch on the idle screw, make sure it hasnt come apart.

if he needs help on how to set the powervalves, be happy to list that as well.

oh ya confirm the fuel screw setting on the bottom of the carbs, should seat them gently and back them out 2 full 360 degree turns.
This is what it turned out to be:

The last owner is/was a Yam Mechanic that had maintainted this sled- I asked about the issue this is what I got. We pulled the switch out to test and bog went away......


It may be the closed throttle switch. The throttle cable adjustment must be correct. There must be just enough slack in the throttle cable when the throttle is closed. If not the switch thinks the throttle stuck and will cut the RPM and not allow anything more than it to idle. One is is left alone for a few seconds sometimes the switch finally sees it closed and allows the motor to rev up again. The switch itself can go bad also. the way to test is to unplug the switch at the carbs (exhaust side of rack) and connect the leads on the harness side going to the throttle (they are a female/male bullet connectors) This tells the CDI that the throttle is closed and eliminates the "cut-out" function. It sounds like that is what is happening, probably the cable is a shade too tight. The 03 I bought had that problem and I only needed to adjust the cable. It may happen from having the cables off and the lock nut adjustment tends to keep being adjusted tighter.
