Help Please No Spark 2001 SRX 700


New member
Oct 12, 2007
Harrow Ont
Okay I have searched and used some of the info to get as far as we are now but still at a loss.

Sled is a 2001 SRX 700 with No Spark (Sled we used to verify things with is a 2002 SXR 600)

What we have done:

Tested stator and got 1 ohm on all 3 wires (white wires from stator Calls for .36-.80) Verified against 02

Did not do the Peak Voltage Test @ Cranking Unload or Cranking Load I wasn't to sure how they wanted this doneand what to set meter on.

Tested Pick Up and got 190 ohm same as 02 sled

Tested Coils Primary was 0.8 ohm (calls for .36 to .48) Secondary Coil read 6 k ohm

Tested all above at the CDI (except Secondary Coil) and all were same readings

Checked CDI and Voltage Regulator on 02 and sled started

Unpluged kill Switch no difference

Swaped key part of sleds and no difference

Unpluged key and jumpered (verified on 02) no difference

Pulled Flywheel and stator looks okay visually no breaks in coating.

Only thing we found was a bad spark plug cap swapped it read good but still no spark. Just acts as thou the kill switch in down.

Now the sled ran last week then the carbs were removed and cleaned and a Power Valve cable replaced. After this no spark!!!!

Will the TORS or Throttle Position Sensor cause a no spak issue?? I am not familiar with Yamaha much in relation to these two items.

We have read to check for rub thru on wires but have not noticed anything in the handle bar area and wire harness as best as we could see

What are we missing!!!???? It has to be something simple. May have tried a few other things but tired right now

Thanks For Any Help

Michael M
let me ask this since you said everything was fine till you did the carbs, is the throttle cable too tight? does it have good slack in it? did you turn down the idle to operate the servo motr to adjust the powervalves? is it possible you turn it out too far because you can do that and unseat the tors switch and if the tors is engaged they wont start.
something to check first by reading your post.
Okay will check what you have mentioned. My buddy who's sled it is took carbs and power valve cable off so Ill have to see if stuff you mentioned is the issue hoping it is.

I do not know how the TORS operates / functions I thought I read it would still have spark but just run like crap. So it Will NOT have spark if what you mentioned above happened correct?

Throttle cable did have slack I remeber checking that but did not check TORs switch only pulled throttle stop off it and pushed with my finger to see if moving but did not check if block was hitting it at rest.

Thanks again Michael M
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Rhubarb said:
Okay will check what you have mentioned. My buddy who's sled it is took carbs and power valve cable off so Ill have to see if stuff you mentioned is the issue hoping it is.

I do not know how the TORS operates / functions I thought I read it would still have spark but just run like crap. So it Will NOT have spark if what you mentioned above happened correct?

Throttle cable did have slack I remeber checking that but did not check TORs switch only pulled throttle stop off it and pushed with my finger to see if moving but did not check if block was hitting it at rest.

Thanks again Michael M

well the reason i ask is i kinda ran into this 1 time with a viper, guy had cleaned the carbs and then sled wouldnt start, he gave up and brought it here. It was a elect. start sled and you could easily crank it with the key. When it came here i seen it had a bar riser on it. Looked to see what the spark plugs looked like, they were wet. I didnt see any spark when I cranked it. They said just like you that it ran fine before cleaning carbs.
So to not overthink it and dive into fixing something that wasnt wrong, I went to the cable and felt it, tight and no slack, lossened that up. Then followed the cable up a bit and the cable was undone from pulling on it to reintall the airbox I assumed. The cable was pulled apart,(04 viper used a 2 pc throttle/oilcable) so I put that back in. Put the sp. plugs in and it started right up.
So what I am getting at is if both tors switchs are activated it may not have spark. Theres 1 in the throttle housing, and 1 on the carb rack. I dont have proof that it doesnt make spark will have to test it out 1 day if I can remember, but your scenario reminded me of the er viper that came in for almost same problem.

if it had spark and all you di was clean the carbs and powervalves, then you have to retrase your doings, they just dont lose spark with not running, and really theres nothing you culd have ruined in the spark dept with cleaning the carbs/pv's. likely a self inflicted problem I
Did you test the pulser coil wires to ground? check also the stator wire to ground. They should be open. If you are getting resistance that could be your problem.
You didn't disconect the wires from the coils by accident when taking the carbs appart?
