so this past sat I went for a ride and still getting my track broken in so I know theres gonna be some strange noises, but when I was coming up to a stop sign or letting off the throttle I would hear this Rrrrrrrr sound. An then this morning I went for a ride and as I was turning around it almost sounded like a clunk then this sound again almost like a grinding sound. So I opened the hood couldn't see anything wrong, I had a problem earlier with the chain adjuster bolt loosening up but that looked fine. then tipped the sled on its side and I saw a lot of snow up I the tunnel but nothing else. any ideas??? man just wana put some miles on!! 

New member
How are your driveline and jackshaft bearings?
Active member
driveshaft bearing? loose hear exchanger protector? loose tunnel protector? Bad belt? Just a few things to check out
Put a new/different belt on and listen for noises.
Vt Srx
New member
Thaw out your suspension and see if it still does it. You may have a chunk of ice stuck up by the front of the track you can't see. What lug height did you go with? If it's 1.25" you may be rubbing your protectors.

Super Moderator
Vt Srx said:Thaw out your suspension and see if it still does it. You may have a chunk of ice stuck up by the front of the track you can't see. What lug height did you go with? If it's 1.25" you may be rubbing your protectors.
Depending on track even a 1" lug will rub on protectors. How did you tighten track? To spec or running loose?
well both those bearings have been changed and have maybe 500 miles on them. the track is a 1' kimpex ultimate traxtion that was rubbing on the front protectors but now got it tightened up to where it doesn't rub like before. that's a good idea though im gonna go in the morning and see if something is stuck in front like an ice chunk or a hx. And now that you mention it I remember 2 riding seasons ago I heard/ felt a strange sound while riding and it turned out to be a bad spot on my belt. I will check in the morning and report back thanks guys!
stealther27 said:well both those bearings have been changed and have maybe 500 miles on them. the track is a 1' kimpex ultimate traxtion that was rubbing on the front protectors but now got it tightened up to where it doesn't rub like before. that's a good idea though im gonna go in the morning and see if something is stuck in front like an ice chunk or a hx. And now that you mention it I remember 2 riding seasons ago I heard/ felt a strange sound while riding and it turned out to be a bad spot on my belt. I will check in the morning and report back thanks guys!
My 1" Kimpex Aggressor rubbed on the front HX regardless of track tension and required trimming or as other have done, rode until worn down. Not sure if the Ultimate Traction is the same but, as Chris mentioned, something to check.
yes you are correct my track was rubbing a bit on just 2 parts of track in front, so because I know the track is still breaking in ill try retightening it an see what happens. but also get check for ice, and see if the belt has any worn spots.
well after looking around some more I checked the belt that looks good. then tipped the sled up on both sides couldn't see it at first but then saw that my clutch side front hx protector came loose from the two rivets that mounts to the tunnel. well with this new track I was gonna do 144 studs down the middle. buti don't feel like taking my skid back out and were supposed to get another 5-6" tonight so for now Im just gonna go without studs, and don't wana chance it. So in this kind of situation what do you guys do just drill the rivets outand take the protector out?
A good example of why I trimmed my track to avoid the contact with the protector. Easy enough to do with a pair of tile nippers, flat nosed nail puller, side cutters, dykes or other such device.
Yeah, if you aren't running studs, pull it out and let 'er rip.
Yeah, if you aren't running studs, pull it out and let 'er rip.
well I had noticed when I first put the new track on after about half hour or so of riding track was already starting to stretch an was ratcheting. but since then ive tightened it up twice and with the sled on a sled the track doesn't appear to be making any contact with the protectors so, gonna ride it aa bit more tomorrow an see how that goes. otherwise ill be doing some trimming to the lugs.

same happened to me on both my sleds..Because I had studs on my Kimpex track,I just drilled out the 2 rivets that were already loose,top one was gone.Then proceded to remove all my studs..I can't even re install the protector as Can't reach way up to get the top rivet in.And the 2 holes on the bottom are to large to accept rivets without wiggling again..Bad design,these should of been bolted or soldered into place from Factory .stealther27 said:well after looking around some more I checked the belt that looks good. then tipped the sled up on both sides couldn't see it at first but then saw that my clutch side front hx protector came loose from the two rivets that mounts to the tunnel. well with this new track I was gonna do 144 studs down the middle. buti don't feel like taking my skid back out and were supposed to get another 5-6" tonight so for now Im just gonna go without studs, and don't wana chance it. So in this kind of situation what do you guys do just drill the rivets outand take the protector out?
ugh ya wasn't too happy. when I was first looking to see what could be the problem saw that they were both still intact then after closer inspection sure enough the top two rivets on the silencer side broke off. and I was just about to call richierich and order new nuts to put my old studs in my new kimpex track but now looks like that's gonna have to wait till this summer when I can take the skid out again. it sucks but it could've been worse 

Take ur pipes off open ur chain case up bet ur popped a bearing like I just did
actually lucky that was the cause of the loud noise. I just removed that protector and rode it for a little bit to make sure and then took the sled for a long afternoon ride and everythings good. a litttle disappointed that I cant put my studs in, but Im def loving my new kimpex track. now if only wasnt
40 deg and raining/sleeting man this sucks! trails were pretty nice yesterday but wont be much left of them after today!
40 deg and raining/sleeting man this sucks! trails were pretty nice yesterday but wont be much left of them after today!

You can put a 1/4 20 bolt thru the bottom side and put a nylon nut from inside the sled .tip it on its side . It is a two man job works great and will never come loose. You will need a extension and tape the bolt on so u don't loose it. It cam be done just real tight.
interesting I haven't heard of that before, thanks for the info pete!