Ice Build up in tunnel


New member
Oct 20, 2011
Wasaga Beach
I looked for it in the search and on google and couldnt find anyone else with the same problem.

When its cold out, -10c and colder, after 100 km or so of riding I get alot of ice and snow buildup under my tunnel. When I hit bumps and the suspension compresses, you can hear and feel the track hitting the ice and snow in the tunnel. Plus all the ice build up in there has to add some weight to the sled.

Any ideas?

I have an sc10 II skid in my sled, with a 1 inch track with studs if that makes a difference


Ill take a pic of whats happening tonight if what I said doesnt make sense
My SRX will do that too especially around the idlers that hold the track up off the rear shaft.I read somewhere that if you spray Fluidfilm on the tunnel and basically any and all parts of the skid that ice isn't supposed to build up.I haven't tried that trick yet so I can't say if it works or not but it might be worth a shot.
Ya thats the exact spot where mine seems to have the heaviest buildup. The rear heat exhanger seems to melt it all off the farthest back part of the tunnel
I have sprayed Pam with some success.I tried silicone spray as well..didn't do much.You would think snow and ice wouldn't stick to that.One year I bought a can of stuff just for the tunnel.Just tried it out and seemed like the tunnel stayed more clear,but would be expensive to spray for every ride..
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I used to have the same thing happen on my SXR. The first time a chunk came off and was bound up between the track and tunnel it sounded like something broke! Never tried pam.....probably should have
I've had that problem also. I was told to wax the tunnel. Haven't tried it yet but just something else to try.
When you stop for a break pick up the back of the sled and slam it on the ground to break it up before you go.
Mactac or a vinly adhesive (stuff decals are made of) works i've been told. i plan to do this to my sled this summer. Remove skid and line it with the stuff. Same sorta pronciple as powder coating the tunnel i suppose.
What I did is riveted a cut to fit size crazy carpet to the tunnel, I only get ice build up on the sides now, so I'll try doing the sides next.
Thanks for the replies guys. It only does it at certain temperatures it seems. But definitely try a couple of those ideas out
