New member
Got some spare coin kick'n around and am looking to get another sled. I am tossing around the idea of picking up an 01' or 02' SRX (for the collection) or a Viper. My thoughts if I go with the SRX is to throw a 136" or 144" skid in it. If I go with the viper I will likely keep it stock. Any feedback on what suspension I should go with if I choose the SRX is greatly appreciated.
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I'm kind of biased towards the SRX because that's what I have but I have ridden a Viper too so it's all according to what kind of riding you plan to use it for.If I had the chance to buy another sled it would probably be an 02 SRX,if I could find one to suite me,and throw a 136 mono shock skid in it.I have a 121 mono in my 98 now and for what little riding I've managed to get on it there's really no comparison to the pro action.In my opinion if you can get one of these skids do it either in the 121 or 136" variation.