Turning help.


New member
Jan 31, 2013
I have a 89 SRV and it does not seem to turn very good. If wants to push straight when you turn it. What should I look at? What wouls cause this? Are there better skis, and would they make a big difference? The only time I have been able to make it turn very good is when I have the motor reving good and then I can hit the throttle and make the back slide out some. I am asking since my sons friend was over yesterday and had a very hard time turning it. He ended up hitting a tree with it, not hard and it did not hurt anything. I have noticed some ski slop in the left ski would the be a big problem? What are the main issues that cause the ski slop?

what kind of ski's??? Are the ski's slightly toed out as well.What carbides are on the ski's,are they worn out??
Maybe you have to get more weight transferred to the front.Does that sled have limiter straps up front??? If is does,pull up the straps a little more and see how it feels.Got to get the ski's to bight more.
They are the stock skis. I have not looked at the carbides yet. When the handle bars are straight the skis seem to be straight. I assume the limiter straps would be the metal hinged thing in front of the ski? Yes it seems like the skis are not doing much, not enought weight transfer. I am a big person, 6'3" and lets just say over 200 pounds. I can get it to turn a little better if I lay me leg on the foot board and lean hard or hit the brakes hard. My son and his friend are a lot lighter so it is harder for them to turn it. It is bad enough yester day I was riding throught the yard in front of my house and wanted to let the motor rev a little and when I got to the end of the yard and tried to turn it went straight into the road. While on the road I had a hard time getting to to turn back into the yard.
Here are some picks, maybe they will help.


First, its a 80-82, different vents in hood, hard seat back and non tapered tunnel. They also used a shorter track and skid and if its org engine, smaller reed cages
The skid is the thing inside the track with the slides. Near the front inside of it you will see a strap with holes in it between the top half and the bottom of it. Use the strap to pull the front of the skid up. Put the bolt through a hole that makes it shorter, you may use a jack to push it up. This will put more weight on the skis

Theres a forum here http://srv540.proboards.com/index.cgi? just for SRV's, their great sleds, I have a 81
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I was told it was a 89. I think the guy must have thought that because the number stamped in the tunnel is 8(a letter cannot rember what)and then a 9. I will check the wear bars when I go to the house latter.
Bob nope nothing new .......after looking at the picks again the chassis is a 80.5 first year for the srv.........reason i know is the frint bumper is a 3 peice on a once peice like all the other years only the 80 SS440 and the 80.5 srv had these and the trunk confirms it more
At least when I go to sell it I will be able to tell the person the right year of it. I think the chassis has 8L9 on it. I think that is why the guy thought it was a 89. I still need to get to the house where I have it and take a look at the carbides. I should be able to do it tomorrow. What do you guys think about the trunk on these? Should I keep it or just go with the full seat, I need to buy a different seat and was woundering what one to go with.
