Promise this is an easy question unlike the secondary issue.
Can I use plain washers behind the secondary if need be?
Will it do any damage to the jack or clutch spinning around in there?
Can I use plain washers behind the secondary if need be?
Will it do any damage to the jack or clutch spinning around in there?

should not be any washers behind the 2ndary at all.You are going to really throw off the alignment even more.
There is a washer behind the gear if that's what u mean
bluemonster1 said:should not be any washers behind the 2ndary at all.You are going to really throw off the alignment even more.
I still have 1/4" extra on that collar, so I grabbed some spacers from TSC just incase I still had issues when I put it back together tonight for a ride.
Pushed all the way in the belt rides cock-eyed. It may center itself, I just wanted to have a quick fix for a few hours.

this sure has become one huge pain in the butt for you.Really it should be a simple fix and ride situation..Maybe the frame is bent in some..what else could it be..It should fit like all the other sleds with same size jackshaft.Mine are both right on my SXR and SRX..identical..can't explain this..don't do to many wot runs..you may explode the belt and or 2ndary even..but I guess it will be the only way to find out ..good riding
I got dragged off by the wife tonight but the sleds ready to roll. Just adjust the track and I'm off.
I like the tinkering as much as the riding, so this is minor. I just dont want to have to take 3 belts every ride. lol
I have 2.5mm of shim on the front side and a 1/8" spacer on the inside. Belt is sitting straight, no squeal, 1/16 above the secondary and 1/8" free play.
As good as it's going to get this week. If it works good and doesnt eat a belt, I ride it.
I dont get to let er all out for more than a mile or two at a time, and thats just side roads if there snow packed. Other than that, it full brake or full throttle bush whackin.
I like the tinkering as much as the riding, so this is minor. I just dont want to have to take 3 belts every ride. lol
I have 2.5mm of shim on the front side and a 1/8" spacer on the inside. Belt is sitting straight, no squeal, 1/16 above the secondary and 1/8" free play.
As good as it's going to get this week. If it works good and doesnt eat a belt, I ride it.
I dont get to let er all out for more than a mile or two at a time, and thats just side roads if there snow packed. Other than that, it full brake or full throttle bush whackin.

ride like you stole it.. 

If you ever see my sled for sale, no matter how cheap, you dont want it. lol
I'm usually the last owner of anything that has an engine except my summer rides. They get pampered.
I'm usually the last owner of anything that has an engine except my summer rides. They get pampered.