Ely MN held radar runs yesterday. There were only a few yammies there...RX1 turbo took home top speed of the day @124 mph. My sled ran "decent" for the conditions....weather was warm around 0 Degrees C, I waxed all the F7s and took out some bigger sleds too....my best run in 1000ft was 105mph with full weight trail sled, half tank of gas, and a 200 lb driver, still room for improvement, had a hard time keeping the sled straight down the track and still need to improve my launch....I took home 1st place in 700 class and 2nd in 800 class.....it's fun having a 15 yr old sled laying a beating on brand new $13000 machines. I had faster times the more aggressive I got with the launch.....more radar runs this weekend in MN....not too bad for an everyday trail sled
It wasn't a huge event maybe around 50 sleds, all sleds above 105mph were running speed tracks. Majority of the faster sleds were old school triples...
Nice job!
Great job, love hearing stuff like that.
New member
thats a good run my 02 only did 109.9 with a 100lb driver and 105.8 with a 185 lb driver in 1320ft
New member
Solid run for sure. Is this a fully stock sled? You should bring it out to an NBSSR event some time. It will give you a chance to let it stretch it's legs a bit more at 1320ft. You will have to be in the low teen in 1320 to be competive. Looks like you could be very close.
It's not stock. I lowered it a bit, Jetted for colder temps, 150, 150, 152.5, Cold air kit but not gutted, v force, previous owner said its trail ported I'm not sure though, bender can, 01 gears, bender rods, 8bu10s loaded, Hauck black primary with 3 shims, green secondary @70, bender 51/37 helix and studs. I'm having a hard time keep it straight, I was all over the track and your right I need about 1320 ft because it really started to pick up speed around the end of the run. I need to work on my launch too, my best run was more aggressive with throttle instead of slowly crawling into it, just because 1000 ft doesn't give me much time to pick up top speed..... I credit this decent runs to u guys on this site as I have spent countless hours reading different tips and setups from various members...this was the first time I ever had this sled at a radar run......tomorrow I'm bringing it ice fishing with me then running the gun again this weekend.....any tips besides me losing weight? Lol
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